- Centenary of Scouting Peace Boomerang
During 2005 and 2006, the Centenary of Scouting Peace Boomerang completed a journey of over 18,000 km around
Australia spreading a message ofpeace and unity leading up to theScouting 2007 Centenary . Australian Rovers developed theboomerang as a "Gift for Peace" project that would involve Rovers,Scouts and the general public, and raise awareness and generate discussions amongst young people about peace.The boomerang, an
Australian Aboriginal wood en ceremonialtool , returns to the person who throws it, making it a fitting symbol as it traveled for 18month s around Australia.Logbook s accompanied the boomerang, allowing people to write their thoughts on peace, and share theirphotograph s and stories of the adventures the boomerang had while in their care. The four logbooks were signed by many people including theGovernor General of Australia , past Governor General of Australia, theKing of Sweden and theQueen of Sweden , parliamentarians and councilors, Scouts of every section in Australia, as well as the general public.A
celebration dinner was heldJune 24 ,2006 inSydney , to share the stories and recognize the achievements of the boomerang. The "Peace Boomerang" raised the profile of Scouting amongst the public as it traveled, and captured the attention oftelevision ,radio andprint media along the way. The boomerang and logbooks are now used throughout 2006 and 2007 to promote Scouting's Centenary in Australia and around the world.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.