Forstera bellidifolia

Forstera bellidifolia


image_caption = An illustration from Johannes Mildbraed's 1908 monograph on the Stylidiaceae.
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Stylidiaceae
genus = "Forstera"
species = "F. bellidifolia"
binomial = "Forstera bellidifolia"
binomial_authority = Hook.f.

"Forstera bellidifolia" is a species in the family Stylidiaceae that is endemic to Tasmania. It was described by Joseph Dalton Hooker in 1852.Mildbraed, J. (1908). Stylidiaceae. In: Engler, A. "Das Pflanzenreich: Regni vegetabilis conspectus". IV. 278. Leipzig.] It is notably different from other members of the genus in that it is not native to New Zealand nor does it possess the epigynous nectaries that are present in the other species.Laurent, N., Bremer, B., Bremer, K. (1998). Phylogeny and generic interrelationships of the Stylidiaceae (Asterales), with a possible extreme case of floral paedomorphosis. "Systematic Botany", 23(3): 289-304.]


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