- Thomas J. Smith
Thomas James Smith, known as Tom "Bear River" Smith (
June 12 ,1830 -1870), was a townmarshal ofOld West cattle townAbilene, Kansas , who was killed anddecapitated onNovember 2 , 1870.Early life
Little is known of Smith's youth. Smith was well known as a good man in a fight, and had a reputation as a tough man, and had been a professional middleweight boxer. Originally from
New York , he had served as a lawman inKit Carson, Colorado , a few small towns inWyoming , and as apolice officer in New York City prior to his move toKansas . While working as a police officer in New York City, Smith was involved in the accidental killing of a 14 year old boy in 1868, after which he resigned and began working forUnion Pacific Railroad inNebraska .He received his nickname "Bear River" due to a stand he made during a
skirmish withvigilante s while serving as a lawman in Wyoming. The vigilante's hadlynch ed arailroad employee for murder. Soon afterward, railroad employees retaliated against the vigilantes, resulting in most of the small town ofBear River City, Wyoming being burned to the ground, and a shootout between town citizens and mob members erupted. Smith stood both sides off, until troops fromFort Bridger arrived and imposedmartial law . Bear River City soon became deserted, and another railroadghost town .Smith has been described as having been a handsome man, with a thick
mustache , and a trait of an almost fearless nature. There are a number of examples indicating that Smith would refuse to back down, despite whatever odds might be against him.Marshal of Abilene
Prior to Smith's appointment as Abilene Marshal, two
St. Louis, Missouri policemen had been hired. The town of Abilene was, at the time, a wild cattle town, and the crime rate had increased almost overnight, beginning in 1867, to the point wheremurder and shootings were commonplace. The town had numeroussaloon s andbrothel s, and up until that point a police force was all but nonexistent. The two St. Louis lawmen lasted less than one full day, resigning before their first day of service was complete. Themayor of Abilene,Theodore Henry , sent for Smith in late 1869, who came highly recommended.Smith was also commissioned as a Deputy
US Marshal , and was insistent that he could police Abilene using his hands and wit rather than using guns. For a time, he was somewhat successful, although he was forced to use guns in the course of his duty on a few occasions. On one occasion, shortly after taking office, Smith singlehandedly overpowered two men known for their bad temperament, "Big Hank" Hawkins and his partner, known only as "Wyoming Frank". Smith banished them both from Abilene, after beating them both at the same time using only his bare hands. However, being the marshal of a town like Abilene at that time proved to be a dangerous job to have. He implemented a law of "no guns in town limits", which was extremely unpopular with many of thecowboy s that drifted through town, and over the next two months Smith survived twoassassination attempts. Several other incidents and arrests led him to develop a solid reputation, and he became widely respected and admired by the Abilene citizens.On November 2nd, 1870, Smith and a temporary deputy, believed to be named James McDonald, attempted to serve a warrant on two local
farmer s, Andrew McConnell and Moses Miles. The two men were wanted in connection with the murder of another Abilene man, John Shea. Smith and McDonald located the suspects in a small settlement ten miles outside of Abilene. A gunfight erupted, resulting in Smith being badly wounded in the chest. Smith returned fire and wounded McConnell. His deputy fled the scene, and as Smith lay wounded, Moses Miles hit him with the butt of arifle , then took anaxe and decapitated him.McConnell and Miles were not captured and arrested until March, 1871, at which time they were both sentenced to
life in prison . Smith was buried in Abilene, and a hugetombstone was erected with a plaque in honor of Smith's service and ultimate sacrifice. Smith was replaced as marshal by legendary lawman andgunfighter "Wild Bill" Hickock.Dwight Eisenhower reportedly considered Smith a personalhero , and is alleged to have visited his gravesite on numerous occasions.References
* [http://www.odmp.org/officer.php?oid=12490 Marshal Thomas J Smith]
* [http://www.kancoll.org/articles/tomsmith.htm Marshal Tom Smith's murder]
*"The Death of Thomas Smith as told by Walter D. Nichols", (1931), H.L. Humphrey
*"Great Gunfighters of the Kansas Cowtowns, 1867-1886", Nyle H. Miller and Joseph W. Snell
* [http://www.legendsofamerica.com/we-tomsmith.html Policing lawless Abilene]
* [http://members.tripod.com/ecv45/thomas.html Thomas James Smith]External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.