Lexis PR

Lexis PR

Infobox Company
company_name = Lexis PR
company_type = Subsidiary
foundation = 1992
location = London
key_people = Margot Raggett (CEO), Hugh Birley (Chairman)
industry = Communications
products = Public Relations
num_employees = 90 (2007)
homepage = http://www.lexispr.com/

Lexis PR is a full service public relations agency based in London, UK. It employs over 90 people who work in specialist divisions that cover Consumer, Business Communications (corporate, B2B and trade), Sport, Healthcare, Creative and Digital PR consultancy. Lexis also has a specialist youth agency, SiX.

Lexis is an award-winning agency and clients include Boots, Coca-Cola, MySpace, Domino's, Dove, eBayMotors, Nokia, Norwich Union, the RAC and the Barclays Premier League.

Lexis PR is a Next Fifteen Communications Group company.


Lexis was established as an independent PR agency by founders Bill Jones and Tim Adams, in London in 1992.

Their first major client was Superdrug. Hugh Birley joined as managing director two years later, and went on to successfully lead a management buy-out in 2002. Bill and Tim left Lexis later that year and Hugh became CEO.

In August 2005, international communications group Next Fifteen Communications acquired a 25% stake in Lexis and went on to acquire a further 51% stake in 2006. In Summer 2006, Lexis launched its youth agency SiX PR. In August 2007, Lexis’ first graduate recruit Margot Raggett became CEO of Lexis, with Hugh Birley taking the role of chairman.

Awards (since 2005)


Sports Industry Awards - The Sport England Community Programme Award (Winner - Lexis Sport) - Barclays/Spaces for Sport

Hollis Sponsorship - Best Grass Roots Sports Campaign (Winner - Lexis Sport) - Barclays/Spaces for Sport

Sunday Times Best Small Companies (Top 100) - Lexis PR


PRCA Frontline Awards - Ambassador of the Year - Gareth Griffiths

PRCA Frontline Awards - Best Financial Produtcs/Services Campaign- Sheilas' Wheels Launch Campaign

PRCA Frontline Awards - Best Integrated Campaign - Dove/Naked Truth Comedy Tour

PRCA Frontline Awards - Best Consumer Campaign - Dove/Naked Truth Comedy Tour

Sunday Times Best Small Companies (Top 25) - Lexis PR

CIPR Awards - Best Industry & Commerce Campaign - Domino's/Pizza Millionaires


Holmes Report - Consumer Consultancy of the Year (Winner) - Lexis PR

Holmes Report - One of the Best Consultancies to Work for - Lexis PR

The Marketing Society Awards - Best Marketing Communications - Dove/Real Women

Hollis Sponsorship - Best Use of PR - Barclaycard Premiership

Sunday Times Best Small Companies (Top 10) - Lexis PR

External links

* [http://www.lexispr.com Lexis PR website]
* [http://www.next15.com Next Fifteen Communications' website]
* [http://www.sixpr.com Six PR website]
* [http://www.lexissport.com Lexis Sport website]
* [http://www.prca.org.uk PRCA website]
* [http://www.cipr.co.uk CIPR website]
* [http://www.prweek.com PR Week website]
* [http://www.dubit.co.uk Dubit website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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