Dhekiakhowa Barnamghar

Dhekiakhowa Barnamghar

It is one of the famous Bor namghar (place of worship) in Assam, established by saint-reformer Madhabdev in 1461. It is located at Dhekiakhowa village of Jorhat, 3.5 km away from 37 no. national high way. From the time of saint-reformer Sri Srimanta Sankardev and Madhavdev, this namghar has been continuing as an important centre for Baisnav Religion.

Now this Bor namghar has 13 bighas of land, an auditorium of its own. The devotees of Assam donate freely to this namghar and due to their helping hand, the managing committee of namghar works a lot of social and cultural welfares. Almost 461 years old ,this namghar has been playing an important role in the exercise of Baisnav Religion and unity for the people of Assam.

There are many stories associated with this Bor namghar. It is said that the main piller of the namghar is made of a Haal tree( please help to find the name of the tree in English). One night one of the bhakat(monk) of the namgahr saw in his dream that the river near the Bor namghar ( known as dhekiyakhua jaam ) is flowing in opposite direction and is carrying a Haal tree mean to be for the construction of the Bor namghar. Next day when people saw that dream to be true, they made the main pillers of the Bor namghar from the tree.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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