Tazuo Yamaguchi

Tazuo Yamaguchi

Tazuo Basho Yamaguchi is a Japanese American poet/filmmaker, and a two time national head to head haiku champion. Master of the English form of Haiku and Senryu. Born to Edward and Betty Yamaguchi on September 2, 1966 in Tokyo, Japan. Direct descent to Shigin Poets and Royal Samurai. He has published 4 books of poetry, 6 recorded volumes, and produced 2002–2007 national Poetry Slam dvds.


Born to Japanese American Family with direct royal descent of the royal shigin poets and Samurai Class of ancient Japan. Tazuo was named after his master shigin poet grandmother Tazue Sakaguchi. Diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of eleven and told he needed amputation of his left arm. He was given only seven more years to live, but overcame all odds through alternative methods of healing and incredible faith of his mother.

In 1991, Yamaguchi earned a position out of 8000 applicants from around the world to work with Star Wars creator George Lucas on several innovative educational entertainment based projects. During this year and half residency working for LucasFilm Ltd. He discovered the power of mythic storytelling through the digital mediums of the 21st century.

From 1992–1995, Yamaguchi ran a Bay Area based company called Xstudios that innovated in emerging digital technologies )i.e. interactive multimedia, computer based training He was one of the forefront leaders of the multimedia revolution of the SF Bay Area. Where the traditional arts of storytelling, poetry, illustration, and the fine arts really started to integrate with emerging digital technologies.

In 1996, Yamaguchi participated in the 15th annual Taos Poetry Circus in Taos, New Mexico. He met Bob Holman and was introduced to the Chicago invented oral tradition of poetry fights from the 1980s called the Poetry Slam. He then proceeded to take his film gear to Portland Oregon to the 1996 National Poetry Slam. He filmed most of the event and participated in a competition of Haiku a genre of poetry he had practiced since grade school and became the "1996 National Head to Head Haiku Champion." He also collaborates with Paul Devlin 'national sport videographer/editor on the famous Saul Williams classic
Slam Nation.

In 1997, Yamaguchi help bring the famous Chicago "poetry slam" to the northern state of California. He formed the first ever National "poetry slam" team from northern California with members - sacramento based jazz poet Mario Ellis Hill. chico's punk poet Matt Rouse, and bluesman from Grass Valley - John Barbato. He and the team attended the 1997 National Poetry Slam in Connecticut and filmed a majority of the competition.

In 1998, Yamaguchi attended the National Poetry Slam in Austin, Texas to film the competition. He ended up documenting some Poetry Slam's finest moments. The superheros Jason Edwards, Jason Carney and Gno perfect ten on finals night and the incredible spoken-word breakthrough of that year's national champion Reggie Gibson.

In 2000, Yamaguchi is the poet who performs at the most venues of the famous Slam America bus ride across the United States. Thirty two gigs and thirty two days. Yamaguchi is the filmmaker for this ride of America's finest performance poets. He also coaches, mentors, and forms Chico Speaks Out Chico's youth national slam team to compete at Brave New Voices festival in San Francisco produced by Youth Speaks

In 2001, Yamaguchi returns to the National Poetry Slam in Seattle, Washington and works with the first official crew to film together at the nationals. He also produces his first documentary film about the Asian American spoken word national movement called [Pass it Around] PIA. He takes the second Chico Speaks Out National Youth Slam team to Ann Arbor Michigan to compete in Brave New Voices put on by the Neutral Zone.

In 2002, Yamaguchi produces the first ever DVD of the individual finals and team finals at the National Poetry Slam. He takes the third Chico Speaks Out National Youth Slam team to Ann Arbor Michigan to compete in Brave New Voices put on by the Neutral Zone.

In 2003, Yamaguchi returns to the birth city of the Poetry Slam - Chicago and produces the second DVD in the Greatest Poetry Slam series. He takes the fourth Chico Speaks Out National Youth Slam team to Chicago to compete in Brave New Voices put on by the Young Chicago Authors. The Chico Speaks Out Youth team wins the best of show national spirit award and performs on the finals stage.

In 2004, Yamaguchi wins his second national Haiku head to head championship in Greenville, South Carolina at the Individual World Poetry Slam Championships. He films this event and also produces the National Poetry Slam DVD of the 2004 nationals in St. Louis. He takes the fifth Chico Speaks Out national poetry slam team to Los Angeles to compete in Brave New Voices put on by Youth Speaks

In 2005, Yamaguchi produces the Individual World Poetry Slam DVD live from Worchester MA. He produces the National Poetry Slam from Albuquerque New Mexico. He takes the six Chico Speaks Out National youth slam team to compete in San Francisco at the Brave New Voices Festival. They take third place in the nation.

In 2006, Yamaguchi becomes the official host of PSI Haiku head to head matches in the United States. He hosts the 11th annual match in Austin, Texas at the national poetry slam to two hundred plus attendees. He produces the IWPS from Charlotte, NC and National Poetry Slam from Austin.

In 2007, Yamaguchi hosts the first ever Haiku head to head matches at the Haiku Society of North America Conference in Winston Salem, NC. He also documents the conference and begins production on the first ever film about English writing Haiku....called "Haiku". He hosts the national Head to head Haiku bout in Austin, Texas to the sold out audience of 300 plus at the famous blues club - Antone's. He forms the first American Haiku Battle Duo with Adam 'Henzbo' Henze.

In 2008, Yamaguchi works on two graphic Haiku novels Orugen, and TheAmericanBuddhasHe will film the first ever Woman of the World Poetry Slam March 2008 Detroit MI...
The Film Haiku will be released Spring 08.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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