Recordable offence

Recordable offence

A (crime) recordable offence is any offence under United Kingdom law where the police must keep records of convictions and offenders on the Police National Computer.[1]

A 'crime recordable offence' should not be confused with a 'crime reportable offence'.



The power for police to keep such records is contained in the National Police Records (Recordable Offences) Regulations 2000. This states that a 'crime recordable offence' is an offence which MUST be recorded as a conviction on the PNC.

Recordable offences include any offence punishable by imprisonment, plus a number of non-imprisonable offences such as:

  • prostitution
  • nuisance communications (phone calls, letters)
  • tampering with motor vehicles
  • firearms, air weapons, knives
  • football offences
  • causing harm or danger to children
  • licenced premises
  • drunkenness
  • poaching
  • begging
  • failing to provide a specimen of breath, and
  • taking a pedal cycle without owner's consent

A full, lengthy, list of recordable offences is conveniently available, provided by ACPO as an Appendix to their Retention Guidelines for Nominal Records on the Police National Computer [2]. They are also available from [3]

Recordable Offences -

Further police powers

Where a person has been arrested for a recordable offence, police may fingerprint and take non-intimate DNA samples from suspects without authorisation from senior ranks.[4]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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