CTE may mean:

* Central Expressway
* Cinéma Tout Ecran film festival
* Classification Tree Editor for software testing
* Coefficient of thermal expansion
* Common Table Expression, a database server feature
* Confederación de Trabajadores del Ecuador
* Construction Trucks and Equipment
* Countdown To Extinction, fifth studio album by Megadeth
* Cross Technological Enterprises, a fictional high-tech firm
* Career and Technical Education
* Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a neurological disorder found in boxers, football players, and the elderly
* CTE is the ICAO airline designator for Air Tenglong, China
* CTE Racing-HVM, former name of an auto racing team Racing-HVMand also :
* CTE3, Havre Saint-Pierre Water Aerodrome Transport Canada LID
* CTE5, Lac à la Perchaude Airport Transport Canada LID

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  • CTE — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda CTE son las siglas de: Código Técnico de la Edificación (España) (Norma española) Confederación de Trabajadores del Ecuador Obtenido de CTE Categorías: Wikipedia:Desambiguación | Siglas …   Wikipedia Español

  • CTE — ist eine Abkürzung für: Cage the Elephant, eine US amerikanische Rockband Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, siehe Ausdehnungskoeffizient Charge Transfer Efficiency, eine Eigenschaft einer CCD Kamera Classification Tree Editor, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CTE — CTE, sigle composé des trois lettres C, T et E, peut faire référence à : Carti au Panama, selon la liste des codes AITA des aéroports, Certificat technique élémentaire, dans l armée de terre française ; Contrat territorial d… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • cte|noid — «TEE noyd, TEHN oyd», adjective. Zoology. having marginal projections resembling the teeth of a comb, as the teeth or scales of certain fishes do. ╂[< New Latin Ctenoidei ctenoid fish < Greek ktenoeid comb shaped < kteís, ktenós comb +… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cte|noph|o|ran — «tih NOF uhr uhn», adjective, noun. –ad. of or having to do with the ctenophores. –n. a ctenophoran animal …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cte|noph|o|ra — «tih NOF uhr uh», noun (plural). the phylum of animals comprising the ctenophores …   Useful english dictionary

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