Galbena River (Strei)

Galbena River (Strei)

Geobox River
name = Galbena River
native_name =
other_name = (Râul Galben)
(Valea Galbenă River)
other_name1 =
(Densuş River)

image_size =
image_caption =
country_type = Countries
state_type =
region_type =
district_type = Counties
city_type = Villages
country = Romania
country1 =
state =
state1 =
region =
region1 =
district = Hunedoara County
district1 =
city = Ştei,
General Berthelot,
city1 =
length =
watershed =
discharge_location =
discharge =
discharge_max =
discharge_min =
discharge1_location =
discharge1 =
source_name =
source_location = Poiana Ruscă Mountains,
Junction of headwaters: Lacuri and Poieni.
source_district =
source_region =
source_state =
source_country =
source_lat_d =
source_lat_m =
source_lat_s =
source_lat_NS =
source_long_d =
source_long_m =
source_long_s =
source_long_EW =
source_elevation =
source_length =
mouth_name =Râul Mare
mouth_location = Sântămăria-Orlea
mouth_district =
mouth_region =
mouth_state =
mouth_country =
mouth_lat_d =
mouth_lat_m =
mouth_lat_s =
mouth_lat_NS =
mouth_long_d =
mouth_long_m =
mouth_long_s =
mouth_long_EW =
mouth_elevation =
tributary_left = Lacuri,
tributary_left1 =
tributary_right = Poieni,
Pârâul de Câmp
tributary_right1 =
free =
free_type = Official River Code

map_size =
map_caption =

The Galbena River or Râul Galben or Valea Galbenă River is a tributary of the Râul Mare in Romania. Upstream of the junction with the Răchitova River, the river is also known as Densuş River. The river starts at the junction of headwaters Lacuri and Poieni


* Administraţia Naţională Apelor Române - Cadastrul Apelor - Bucureşti
* Institutul de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie - Rîurile României - Bucureşti 1971
* Trasee turistice - judeţul Hunedoara []


* Harta Munţilor Poiana Ruscă []
* Harta Munţilor Retezat []
* Harta judeţului Hunedoara []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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