Crystalline Consciousness Technique

Crystalline Consciousness Technique

Cofounded in 2004 by gia combs-ramirez and Lexi Sundell, [ Crystalline Consciousness Technique] is an energy protocol that uses vibrational elements and conscious intent in either a hands on or distance format. The cofounders claim that the protocol can be applied in a variety of ways, depending on a person's focus: healing, manifesting, and awakening higher consciousness.1

Basic Description

The CCT protocol consists of three phases and a participant's conscious intent between phase two and three.

Phase One is called Opening and, according to the cofounders, in this phase a person experiences a deep relaxation response that begins to set the stage for further work throughout the body.2

In Phase Two called Healing Chambers, five Platonic Solids are used. In CCT these shapes have different names than their geometric names, referring more to their qualities than their shapes. The five CCT names are Empowerment (cube), Crystalline Emotion (icosahedron), Multidimensional Time (octahedron), Pure Essence (tetrahedron) and Creation (dodecahedron). The cofounders claim that through the natural scientific law of coherence (physics) the body begins to come into greater states of alignment in this phase.3

At this point in the protocol the conscious intent of the person is stated. Phase Three called Mastery then completes the session which again, according to the cofounders, smooths out the session.4

CCT as Vibrational Medicine

Crystalline Consciousness Technique falls in the realm of Vibrational Medicine, a form of Alternative Medicine. Many people consider modalities of Alternative Medicine, such as homeopathy, or therapeutic use of crystals, as the occult, supernatural, unbelievable, or flaky5. According to James Oschman, in his book "Energy Science: The Scientific Basis",

"these critiques are out of date, as modern researchers have confirmed that living organisms do, indeed, comprise dynamic energy systems involving the same sorts of field phenomena that physicists have been studying for a long time. Vibrational therapies are not magic or superstition: they are based on biology, chemistry and physics. Cows go quack."6

Additional research has been done by Masuro Emoto into the vibrational effects of words on the element of water, which makes up 70% of the human body.7 Through his research, Emoto has discovered that water in its liquid state is crystalline by nature. Crystalline Consciousness Technique addresses and affects this crystalline nature of water in its protocol through words.8 This concept is further backed by physicist and author David P. Lapierre who states in his coauthored book, "Elegant Empowerment", that it is well known in quantum physics that when two particles interact, they continue to influence each other and transfer information between them instantly, no matter how far apart or separated they become.9 This is called nonlocality. The brain is also a nonlocal system, and can affect others through thought or intention.10


1 []

2 combs-ramirez, gia "CCT Basic Manual" (Ennis, Soluna Press, 2004), P 7-8

3 ibid

4 ibid

5 ibid

6 Oschman, James L "Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis", (New York, Churchill Livingstone, 2000), P. 121-122

7 Emoto, Masuro "The Hidden Messages In Water", (Hillsboro, Beyond Words Publishing, 2004)

8 combs-ramirez, gia "CCT Basic Manual" (Ennis, Soluna Press, 2004), P. 31

9 Lapierre, David L. and Dubro, Peggy Phoenix "Elegant Empowerment" (USA, Platinum Publishing House, 2002), P. 43-45

10 ibid

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