Teikō Shiotani

Teikō Shiotani

__NOTOC__nihongo|Teikō Shiotani|塩谷 定好|Shiotani Teikō|1899–1988 was a photographer of Tottori, Japan.

Shiotani was born on 22 October 1899 in Akasaki (since 2004 Kotoura) Tottori. He enjoyed photography from his youth, and in 1919 set up the "Vest Club" (i.e. Vest Pocket Kodak club; nihongo2|ベストクラブ, "Besuto Kurabu") in Akasaki; in 1938, this was renamed Kenkyūkai (nihongo2|研究会).

One of Shiotani's better known photographs is "Tenki yohō no aru fūkei" (nihongo2|天気予報のある風景, Landscape with weather report), in which the convexity of the horizon is emphasized by holding the photographic paper curved during exposure under the enlarger. [The photograph is mentioned for example within Vicki Goldberg, " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E01E5DA1531F930A15750C0A9659C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 When Japan Adopted the Camera as Its Very Own] ", "New York Times," 23 March 2003. It is discussed (in Japanese) within [http://www.nnn.co.jp/tokusyu/artist/060813.html this article] from the front page of "Nihonkai Shinbun," 13 August 2006, which also reproduces it.]

Shiotani died on 28 October 1988.

Shiotani's works are held in the permanent collection of the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and constitute a major part of that of the Yonago City Museum of Art. [Matsumoto Norihiko (nihongo2|松本徳彦), ed., "Nihon no bijutsukan to shashin korekushon" (nihongo2|日本の美術館と写真コレクション, Japan's art galleries and photography collections; Kyoto: Tankōsha, 2002; ISBN 4-473-01894-6), pp. 49, 136 ja icon.]


olo exhibitions

*1971: Akasaki Nōgyō Kanri Sentā (nihongo2|赤碕農業管理センター), Akasaki."Keireki."]
*1975: Art Gallery U (belonging to Shōji Ueda), Yonago (Tottori).
*1976: Pentax Gallery, Tokyo.
*1979: Akasaki Nōgyō Kanri Sentā (nihongo2|赤碕農業管理センター), Akasaki.

Joint exhibitions

The list is selective.
*1979: "Fotografia Giapponese dal 1848 ad Oggi", Bologna. ["Nihon no shashinka."]
*1982: "Photography 1922–82", Photokina, Cologne. ["Keireki"; "Nihon no shashinka."]
*1983: Exhibition of works by Shiotani and Shōji Ueda, Tottori Prefectural Museum, Tottori, Tottori.

hiotani's works in books

Books devoted to Shiotani

*"Shiotani Teikō meisakushū: 1923–1973" (nihongo2|塩谷定好名作集:1923–1973) / "Album 1923–1973: Teikoh Shiotani." Yonago, Tottori: Nihon Shashin Shuppan, 1975. Edited by Shōji Ueda. ja icon
*"Uminari no fūkei: Shiotani Teikō shashinshū" (nihongo2|海鳴りの風景:塩谷定好写真集) / "Teikoh Shiotani Portfolio 1923–1973." Nikon Salon Books 10. Tokyo: Nikkor Club, 1984. ja icon Despite the alternative title in English, text and captions in Japanese only. With 95 full-page illustrations, essays, and an interview; edited by Jun Miki.

Other appearances

* "Hikari no nosutarujia: Koseki Shōtarō to Nihon no geijutsu shashin" (nihongo2|光のノスタルヂア:小関庄太郎と日本の芸術写真). Fukushima: Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art, 2001. http://www.art-museum.fks.ed.jp/book.html
* "Nihon no pikutoriarizumu: Fūkei e no manazashi" (nihongo2|日本のピクトリアリズム:風景へのまなざし). Tokyo: Tokyo Museum of Photography, 1992.
*Klochko, Deborah, ed. "Modern Photography in Japan 1915–1940." San Francisco: The Friends of Photography, 2001. ISBN 0-933286-74-0. en icon The plates are not paginated but are alphabetically ordered by photographer. One still life of Shiotani's is shown.
*Matsumoto Norihiko. (nihongo2|松本徳彦), ed. "A Collection of Japanese Photographs 1912–1940." Tokyo: Shashinkosha , 1990. ja icon Despite its English-only title, the book is in Japanese only. Plates 11, 16, 38 and 40 are by Shiotani.
*"Modanizumu no jidai" (nihongo2|モダニズムの時代) / "The Age of Modernism." Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 1995. en icon ja icon Catalogue of an exhibition held 1995–96 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. Plate 116 is by Shiotani.
*"Nihon kindai shashin no seiritsu to tenkai" (nihongo2|日本近代写真の成立と展開) / "The Founding and Development of Modern Photography in Japan." Tokyo: Tokyo Museum of Photography, 1995. ja icon en icon Plate 10 is by Shiotani.
* "Nihon no shashin 1930 nendai" (nihongo2|日本の写真1930年代). Kamakura: The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, 1988. The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura
*"Nihon no shashin: Uchinaru katachi, sotonaru katachi 1: Torai kara 1945 made" (nihongo2|日本の写真 内なるかたち・外なるかたち 1 渡来から1945まで) / "Japanese Photography: Form In/Out 1: From Its Introduction to 1945." Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 1996. ja icon en icon no ISBN Exhibition catalogue. A portrait appears on p.83.



*"Nihon no shashinka" (nihongo2|日本の写真家) / "Biographic Dictionary of Japanese Photography." Tokyo: Nichigai Associates, 2005. ISBN 4-8169-1948-1. P.203. ja icon Despite the English-language alternative title, all in Japanese.
*"Nihon shashinka jiten" (nihongo2|日本写真家事典) / "328 Outstanding Japanese Photographers." Kyoto: Tankōsha, 2000. ISBN 4-473-01750-8. ja icon
*"Keireki" (nihongo2|経歴, CV). "Uminari no fūkei: Shiotani Teikō shashinshū" (nihongo2|海鳴りの風景:塩谷定好写真集) / "Teikoh Shiotani Portfolio 1923–1973." Nikon Salon Books 10. Tokyo: Nikkor Club, 1984. P.3. ja icon

External links

*Ono, Philbert. " [http://www.photojpn.org/news/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=194 Shiotani Teiko] ", PhotoGuide Japan. en icon

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