

The Weren are a prehuman race with characteristics and capabilities beyond those of their human successors. They feature in Paul Kearney’s "Sea Beggars" series.

Myth claims that the one original God of the Earth created both humanity and the Weren. The Weren were first, but coexisted with Man for a period of time. However, their numbers started to dwindle whilst Man’s multiplied. In order to survive, the Weren bred with humans, but in many cases this failed, producing deformed and monstrous offspring known as the Fallen or Half-Trolls. However some children were normal-looking and so the Weren blood continues in some human blood-lines, such as the Cortishane line.

The Fallen, of whom our only direct point of observation is Gallico, are assumed to be much taller than humans, with glowing eyes, bestial faces and vast strength. They were meant to be destroyed, but were not due to the love of their Weren parents. This refusal to kill his young led Cambrius Orr to sail away and become the Mage-King. In modern times, Half-Trolls are still sometimes born, when the build up of Weren blood becomes great, although not in all cases. Michael Psellos has Fallen characteristics and much Weren blood, but appears as a human with an inhuman tongue and powers.

Human beings with Weren blood look ordinary, except for their eyes which are often strange colours and are sinisterly pale (Psellos is an exception, but as stated above, he contains more Fallen than Weren attributes). Of our 3 points of observation, all seem to be highly attractive, allowing for the wear and tear of nature. Ordinary humans can sense Weren blood in bearers’ eyes, and are subconsciously isolated by this.

Weren-blooded humans have greater strength, intellect, agility, dexterity and resilience (to disease and injury) than most normal people. They can hone these traits with training and can learn special abilities such as avoiding notice in crowds. They live longer than humans, and their blood prolongs life. Hence it is highly valued.

The only pure-blooded Weren we have met in person is Rol Cortishane himself. He appears to have additional abilities, including shifting into an “Angel of Death” and prophetic dreams. Whether these apply to all Weren or Rol alone is unknown. Weren are often referred to as either Angels or Demons, and are said to have conversed with lesser gods and perhaps even God himself. It is implied that Weren-blooded individuals have the capacity to learn sorcery.

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