Miroljub Jevtić

Miroljub Jevtić
Miroljub Jevtić

Miroljub Jevtić (born 1955 in Vranje, Serbia) is Serbian Politologist of religion and professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade.



Jevtić graduated from the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He received a Master’s Degree from the University of Belgrade's Law School; his thesis was entitled ”Islamic understanding of war and the role of the Islamic Conference in preserving the peace”. Jevtić studiedfor his Doctorate at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Thesis: ”Modern Jihad and war”. Jevtić began his academic career in the 1983s as a teacher of People defence and protection (Narodna odbrana i zaštita), a course that was abolished with the breakup of socialism in Southeast Europe in the beginning of the 1990s. Founder and editor-in-chief of the “Polititcs and Religion” journal, [1], the first global scientific journal dedicated to the discipline ”Political Science of Religion“ or “Politicology of Religion”. The first issue was published in 2007, in Belgrade, Serbia. Published by the ”Center for Study of Religion and Religious Tolerance”.

Career at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia:

  • Assistant-intern – 1983
  • Assistant – 1985
  • Docent – 1988
  • Part-time Professor – 1993
  • Professor – 1998 (Religion and Politics)

Professional publications

Professor Jevtić was the author of the monograph dedicated to the Jihad in the Balkans. It was the first such publication ever published in the area covered by his research.

Professor Jevtić was the first academic in Eastern Europe to introduce ”Political Science of Religion” or “Politicology of Religion“ in the curriculum of the Faculty of Political Science. Professor Jevtić coined the term White Al-Qaeda.


  • Religion and Politics – Introduction to Politicology of Religion; Institute for Political Studies and Faculty of Political Science; Belgrade, Serbia; 2002; ISBN-86-7419-048-0.
  • Modern Jihad as War; First Edition – 1989; Nova Knjiga, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN-86-7335-052-2; Second Edition – 1995; Grafomotajica, Prnjavor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; ISBN-86-7116-001-7; Third Edition – 2001; Nikola Pašić, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN-86-7987-010-2.
  • From the Islamic Declaration to the Religious War in Bosnia and Herzegovina; First Edition – 1993; Filip Višnjić, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN-86-7363-125-4; Second Edition – 1995; Grafomotajica, Prnjavor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; ISBN-86-7116-002-5.
  • Albanians and Islam – 1995; Grafomotajnica, Prnjavor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; ISBN-86-7116-003-3.
  • Islam in the Works of Ivo Andrić – 2000; Private Edition, Prosveta Internacional, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • All Our Delusions – 1998; Private Edition, Prosveta Internacional, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Islam and Geo-Political Logic – 1995; Co-Authored With Others; Koving-Inžinjering, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • The crime Awaits the Punishment – 1997; Co-Authored With Others; Megilot Publishing, Olet Press/ Imel Publishing, (Novi Sad, Srpsko Sarajevo); ISBN-86-7170-001-1.
  • Muslims between Religion and Nation – 1996; Co-Authored with Others; People and University Library Petar Kocić, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; ISBN-86-7044-030-X.

Internet Publications


See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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