

Auxesis is a form of hyperbole, in which something is referred to by a term disproportionate to its importance for the very purpose of amplifying that thing's importance or gravity.

It can be contrasted with meiosis and litotes, which make deliberate use of understatement.


*A lawyer may refer to a scratch as a "wound" or "laceration."
*A book may be referred to as a "volume" or "tome."
*Referring to a film as a "drama" or an "epic," when the intent is to lend a sense of importance or majesty.
*Calling the body of work that a newcomer has produced in a field a literary canon.


*Corbett, Edward P.J. "Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student". Oxford University Press, New York, 1971.

ee also

*Figure of speech

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  • Auxesis — Aux*e sis, n. [NL., Gr. ? increase, fr. ?, ?, to increase.] (Rhet.) A figure by which a grave and magnificent word is put for the proper word; amplification; hyperbole. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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