Strength through Peace

Strength through Peace

“Strength Through Peace” is a new doctrine designed to turn the Cold War era doctrine of “Peace through Strength” on its head.

Under the Cold War thinking "Peace through Strength" is the doctrine that military strength is a primary or necessary component of peace.

Under the twenty-first century thinking of “Strength through Peace” there is no place for offensive military strength or objectives, and the need for defensive military strength is greatly reduced.

This new policy of Strength through Peace is a reaction of peace activists in the United States who are opposed to the United State’s aggressive stance in Iraq and its saber rattling and threats against Iran and other countries dubbed by the Bush administration as “The Axis of Evil.”

A foreign policy dedicated to Strength through Peace is a bold, new effort to re-establish America's place in a peaceful world and to regain respect for America in the world community. Strength through Peace advocates support diplomacy and a return to statesmanship as the path to strong international leadership.

On the domestic front, Strength through Peace is a policy of investing in our communities and our infrastructure. The doctrine recognizes that as long as the United States pursues a policy of aggressive war, it will never have the resources to provide its citizens with health care, renewable energy independence, proper public education pre-K through college, a safe public transportation infrastructure, state-of-the art communications systems, and other infrastructure needed for a sustainable, equitable and peaceful economy. Without peace there can be no prosperity.

Strength through Peace recognizes there is a connection between peace and the environment, that life on our planet is threatened by the twin threats of global warring and global warming. These two threats are linked, and the Strength through Peace doctrine recognizes that. It sees the world as being interconnected and interdependent, and declares that resource wars are always destructive. Strength through Peace recognizes that only a focus on world sustainability can create world peace

Because the United States spends more than the rest of the world combined it will likely remain the world’s most powerful nation. But with that power comes a great responsibility. Strength through Peace advocates believe the United States must use its unrivaled power to lead, not to bully, the rest of the world. War must truly become the last desperate measure of self defense, not the major policy tool it is now used for.

The fact that the United States is the planet’s first superpower able to destroy any society, either conventionally or with nuclear technology, has not prevented:

# Growing antipathy and distrust towards America across the globe
# Escalating bloodshed in Iraq
# Looming wars in Iran and Syria.
# Increasing terrorist acts against U.S. interests
# Spiraling U.S. military spending
# Spreading weapons of mass destruction
# Growing conflicts and tension across the world
# An ongoing arms race

Advocates of Strength though Peace believe that by abandoning the arrogant “my way or the highway” attitude the United States can reengage the world in productive discussion on common goals of universal peace and prosperity. In contrast, maintaining the current “Peace through Strength” course of action will only end with a world in economic ruin.

External links

* [ H.R. 808 - The Department of Peace and Nonviolence Act]
* [ H.R. 676 - Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act]
* []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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