A maiore ad minus

A maiore ad minus

In logic, a maiore ad minus describes a simple and obvious inference, in particular:
* from general to particular or from more to less ("What holds for all X, also holds for one particular X", "If a canister may store ten liters of petrol, then it may also store three liters of petrol.")
* from bigger to smaller ("If a door is big enough for a person two meters high, then a shorter person may also come through")
* from stronger to weaker ("A tow rope for a truck is also good for a car")In other words, a maiore ad minus describes an inference from stronger, bigger or general to weaker, smaller or particular. It bases on the principle: In a general rule a particular instance is contained.

The reverse of this argument is a minore ad maius. Both of these are known as the a fortiori argument.


An example for the a maiore ad minus argument:

If a whole testament, according to the law, may be revoked by its destruction or alteration by the testator, then it also applies to a part of it.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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