Bella Vista, Tucumán

Bella Vista, Tucumán

Bella Vista is a small city in southeastern Tucumán Province, Argentina. It is located km to mi|25|abbr=yes from the provincial capital of Tucumán.

The town's numerous governmental controversies since 1999 have earned it significant notoriety throughout Tucumán province.

uspension of City Council

As of 2003, Rodi Humano had received the highest number of votes for any member of the city council. Humano's previous occupation as a fortune teller, as well as his sexuality, have caused tensions among members of the city council. Humano is openly transgendered and attends council meetings as a woman. [cite news|url=|title=Councilman and Fortune Teller|publisher=República Argentina|date=2003-07-04]

Humano's election sparked significant controversy among local politicians and some local residents. As a result of significant political and local pressure, provincial governor Jose Alperovich suspended the Bella Vista council. The city continues to operate under the sole direction of the mayor. Fact|date=September 2007

Mayoral election fraud allegations

In 2007, José Domingo Décima and José Coronel, former candidates for the office of mayor of Bella Vista, alleged that the incumbent mayor Luis Espeche had misappropriated city funds in exchange for votes to ensure his re-election victory. [cite web|url=|title=Denuncian al intendente de Bella Vista por defraudación|publisher=La Gaceta|date=2007-09-17]

In support of their allegations that upwards of 4 million Argentine pesos allocated for construction of canals had been misappropriated, Décima and Coronel published a series of photographs displaying areas of the city where no work had been done. Décima and Coronel claim the city could not account for how the funds had actually been spent, and have accused Espeche, who has been in sole control of city finances since dissolution of the city council, of using the funds to bribe voters and ensure a victory for his candidacy. Although no charges have been filed, Décima has threatened to pursue an official inquiry into the matter.


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