Herakleopolis Magna

Herakleopolis Magna

Herakleopolis Magna is the Greek name of the capital of the Twentieth nome (administrative division) of ancient Egypt. It was called "Henen-nesut", "Nen-nesu", or "Hwt-nen-nesu" in ancient Egyptian, meaning 'house of the royal child.' Later, it was called "Hnas" (Coptic|Ϩⲛⲏⲥ) in Coptic, and "Ahnas" in medieval Arabic writings. Today it is known as "Ihnasiya Umm al-Kimam" ("mother of the shards") and "Ihnasiyyah al-Madinah".

It was the capital of Lower Egypt of the ninth and tenth dynasties, which ruled during the First Intermediate Period. After the re-unification of Egypt, Henen-nesut faded in importance. Today the ruins are a tourist attraction.

Legend held that there was a vast labyrinth at Herakleopolis, but no evidence has yet been found that it existed as anything other than myth.

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