- Pigou
Pigou is an English surname of
Hugenot derivation.The Pigou family originated from Amiens in France. The name was related to pique or pike, and the Pigou arms consist of three pike heads. Two sons of Lawrence Pigou of Amiens – Jacques and John - fled from persecution in France and settled with their families in England in about 1685. All branches of the Pigou family became involved in trade with India.
Family of Jacques Pigou
The descendents of Jacques died out but there were two notable members of this family. The
Gentleman’s Magazine (January 1792) reprinted the letter of Captain Peter Pigou (1732-1783) describing his adventures in conveying a huge hydraulic organ fromMadras toAurengabad , for a speculative sale to the Nizam.Thomas Pigou (1765-1796), the son of Peter Pigou was an officer in the
British East India Company and a close friend ofFrancis Light . He succeeded Light as governor ofPenang Family of John Pigou
John’s grandson Anselm Frederick Pigou (1683-1749) was a successful merchant with dealings in America.His son Frederick Pigou (1711-1792) was a Director of the East India Company, and also had connections with the tea trade to America. He was also co-owner of the
gunpowder factory atDartford , Kent. Subsequent generations followed these threads, being typically Artillery officers and serving in the Indian Army.All existing members of the Pigou family descend from Frederick. Many have emigrated toCanada ,Australia andNew Zealand . The Pigou vineyards are nearMarlborough, New Zealand Pigou family members
Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959) English Economist
*Elfrida Pigou (1911-1960) Canadian Mountaineer
* William Harry Pigou (1818-1858) Surgeon and pioneer photographer in India
* Arthur Comyn Pigou (1826-1903) Major-General
* Francis Pigou (1832-1916) Dean of Bristol
* Louisa Pigou marriedHenry Harford ( -1835) last proprietor ofMaryland
* Georgina Pigou mother ofHugo Francis Meynell Ingram ( -1869) English MP
* Catherine Pigou mother ofMiles Peter Andrews ( -1814) playwright and MP
* Nina Pigou mother of Air MarshallVictor Goddard (1897-1987)
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