

Cairbre (Cairpre, Coirpre) is a popular medieval Irish name borne by several historical and mythological figures, including:

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  • Cairbre Lifechair — ( lover of the Liffey ), son of Cormac mac Airt, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He came to the throne after the death of Eochaid Gonnat. During his time Bresal Belach was king of Leinster …   Wikipedia

  • Cairbre Nia Fer — (also Corpri, Coirpre, Cairpre; Nioth Fer, Niafer, Niaper), son of Rus Ruad, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a King of Tara from the Laigin.[1] The earliest reference to Cairbre is in Tírechán s Memoir of St.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cairbre Cinnchait — or Caitchenn ( cat head or hard head ) was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. There is considerable differences in the sources over his ancestry and his place in the traditional sequence of High… …   Wikipedia

  • Cairbre Lifechair — Cairbre ou Coipre Lifechair (i.e « Caibre l amoureux de la plaine de la Liffey »), Ard ri Érenn légendaire qui aurait régné de 267 à 284 selon les dates traditionnelles des Annales des quatre maîtres. Caibre Lifechair correspond au roi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cairbre Nia Fer — Cairbre Nia Fer, dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise, est un roi de Tara qui apparaît dans des textes du Cycle d Ulster. Sa femme (infidèle) est Fedelm Noíchrothach, fille du roi d’Ulster Conchobar Mac Nessa. Il a un fils Erc et une fille… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cairbre Lifechar — [ karʴbʴrʴe Lʴifʴexar], auch Cairbre Lifechair („Liebhaber des Liffey“), war in der irischen Mythologie der Name eines Sohnes des Königs Cormac mac Airt. Mythologie Bekannt wurde der Name Cairbres unter anderem durch die Lehrsprüche Tecosca… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cairbre Cuanach — is an Ulster warrior from the Ulster Cycle of Irish Mythology …   Wikipedia

  • Cairbre Nia Fer — noun The king of Tara during the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, who was killed by Cúchulainn in the Battle of Ros na Ríg. Son in law of Conchobar mac Nessa and cousin in law of Conall Cernach. Husband of Fedelm Noíchrothach. Father of Erc and… …   Wiktionary

  • Cormac ua Cairbre Crom — Cormac ua Cairbre Crom, 22nd Abbot of Clonmacnoise, died 762. Cormac succeeded Luccreth in 753. He was one of the most genealogically distinguished abbot, being a member of the Sil Coirpre Crom of Ui Maine, descended from King Cairbre Crom. Ryan… …   Wikipedia

  • Список верховных королей Ирландии — Средневековая ирландская историческая традиция основывалась на идее того что, начиная с древних врёмен, Ирландией управлял Верховный король (ирл. Ard Rí). Такие компиляции, как «Книга захватов Ирландии» (Lebor Gabála Érenn), а также… …   Википедия

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