

Abhinivesha is the Sanskrit for "self-love", or "will to live." In the Samkhya system, it is considered to be an aspect of ignorance (avidya). Although the other aspects of avidya such as fear, attachment and aversion were thought to cause karmic bondage and prevent spiritual enlightenment, abhinivesha was thought to not necessarily be wrong, and even commendable at times. [The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy]


"The Klesha Abhinivesha, (literally abhi - to move toward, ni - near, vesha - life: To move toward liking life too much) or the fear of death is the greatest fear in existence and is the root of all other fears. It is said that even the most accomplished yoga practitioners can fall back into this state of fear." Article: [http://www.innervisionyoga.com/index.php?nid=article&article_id=388]

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