

Hobomok was a Native American who served as a guide, interpreter, and aide to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Like Tisquantom, better know as Squanto, Hobomok was essential to the survival and diplomatic success of the English in New England. Hobomok actually played a much larger role in relations with the English than Squanto played, although Squanto tends to get most of the attention in history books. Hobomok converted to Christianity and was beloved by the English until his death in 1642. He died from a European disease that he got from his close European friends. Hobomok was part of the Wampanoag tribe, which, in the Algonquian language, means "People of the Dawn." Other Indians feared Hobomok so much, that when they saw him in a battle, they would immediately leave. Hobomok was specifically asked by Massasoit (the leader of the Wampanoag) to help the Pilgrims.




*Lydia Maria Child, Hobomok (1824)

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