- Will and Dewitt
"Will and Dewitt" is an
animated television series featuring ananthropomorphic frog named Dewitt and aboy named Will as the main characters. It is produced byCookie Jar Entertainment with animation byTwo Presidents Productions inToronto ,Ontario . It first aired onSeptember 22 ,2007 onThe CW . The series revolves around Will, a 6-year-old boy who has a talking pet frog named Dewitt who motivates and inspires him when he is faced with accomplishing a difficult task.In the
United States , the shows educational elements have qualified it as meeting the FCC's "E/I " requirements for three hours of education programming each week.Will and Dewitt is a half hour childrens adver-edutainment series that supports
Procter & Gamble 'sKandoo line of childrens hygiene productsMain Characters
*Favorite Color: BlueWill is a six year old boy who, like many other kids his age, is confronted with new and exciting tasks on an almost daily basis, such as trying on new boots or sleeping alone at night. While he may find some of them quite hard, he meets each challenge head-on and usually comes out on top. With the help of Dewitt he will usually accomplish his task.
*Favorite Color: GreenDewitt is a high energy comic character, Dewitt is an anthropomorphic frog who can morph into any
shape orsize , usually as a visual aid to a joke he has just made. He is also a skilled impersonator. In each episode, he aids Will in his life's missions, giving Will the support and motivation he needs to get through life.External links
* [http://www.willdewitt.com Official website]
* [http://www.ncircleentertainment.com/Content.aspx?id=NCwillDewitt NCircle Entertainment: Buy Will & Dewitt DVDs]
*imdb title|id=1001483|title=Will and Dewitt
* [http://www.tv.com/will-and-dewitt/show/75105/summary.html?q=Will%20and%20DeWitt&tag=search_results;title;1 "Will and Dewitt] atTV.com
* [http://www.4kids.tv/show/willdewitt/characters 4Kids Will & Dewitt page]
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