- Base of the skull
The base of the skull (lat. basis cranii) is the most inferior area of the skull.
Structures found at the base of the skull are for example:
*Foramen magnum
*Foramen ovale (skull) Bones
Ethmoid bone
*Sphenoid bone
*Occipital bone
*Frontal bone
*Parietal bone
*Temporal bone
**Petrous portion of the temporal bone inuses
Occipital sinus
*Superior sagittal sinus
*Superior petrosal sinus Foramina of the skull *
Foramen cecum (frontal bone)
*Optic foramen
*Foramen lacerum
*Foramen rotundum
*Jugular foramen
*Internal auditory meatus
*Mastoid foramen
*Sphenoidal emissary foramen
*Foramen spinosum utures
Frontoethmoidal suture
*Sphenofrontal suture
*Sphenopetrosal suture
*Sphenoethmoidal suture
*Petrosquamous suture
*Sphenosquamosal suture Other
Sphenoidal lingula
*Subarcuate fossa
*Dorsum sellae
*Jugular process
*Petro-occipital fissure
*Condylar canal
*Jugular tubercle
*Tuberculum sellae
*Carotid groove
*Fossa hypophyseos
*Posterior clinoid processes
*Sigmoid sulcus
*Internal occipital protuberance
*Internal occipital crest
*Ethmoidal spine
*Vestibular aqueduct
*Chiasmatic groove
*Middle clinoid process
*Groove for sigmoid sinus
*Trigeminal ganglion
*Middle cranial fossa
*Anterior cranial fossa
*Middle meningeal artery
*Cribriform plate
*Posterior cranial fossa
*Nasociliary nerve
*Hypoglossal canal
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