Khalid Masud

Khalid Masud


region = Muslim scholar
era = Modern era
color = #B0C4DE

image_caption =

name = Khalid Masud
birth = December 16, 1935
death = October 01, 2003
school_tradition = Farahi-Islahi
main_interests = Quran, Hadith, Sirah, Science

influences = Amin Ahsan Islahi, Imam Farahi
notable_ideas = Sirah in light of Quran

Allama Khalid Masud (December 16, 1935October 1, 2003) was a Muslim Scholar of Pakistan. He spent the major part of his life with Moulana Amin Ahsan Islahi. He played a major role in conveying ideas and thoughts of his teacher and Imam Farhi to general public. He wrote a number of books and articles and delivered lectures on Islam, Science and other subjects.

By profession he was Chemical Engineer but he spent his life in propagation of Farahi's school of thought. He worked as in charge of Idara Taddabur e Quran o Hadith.

Early life

Allama Khalid Masud was born in Lilla, Jhelum District, Pakistan. He belonged to a religious family, which is a branch of a local sufi school of thought, Naqshbandi Mujjaddadi. But he and his father, Saif U Rehman, both were not under influence of sufism and they concentrated mainly towards Quran and Sharia.He learnt basics of Arabic and Persian from his father Saif U Rehman who was an Arabic teacher at his time.

Education and career

He did his Master's degree in Chemistry from Punjab University Lahore in 1958. In 1964 he went to London for higher studies. He obtained Chemical Engineering Diploma from King's College, Cambridge London in 1965. He remained President of UK Islamic Mission there. He also got his Master's degree in Islamic Studies from Punjab University in 1975.

He joined Industries Department, Govt of Punjab in 1958. He worked there for 27 years. In 1985 he was offered position of Research Scholar in Quaid e Azam Library, Bagh e Jinnah Lahore. [ [ Quaid e Azam Library Lahore] ] He worked there till his retirement in 1996. There he found every opportunity to do his research work.

During his student life (from 1956-1958) , he remained In charge / Nazam of Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba Lahore. But after completion of his studies he did not join Jamiat's parent party Jamat-e-Islami and preferred to learn Quran and Hadith from Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi.

Association with Maulana Islahi

In 1958 Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi separated from politics and Jamat-e-Islami and created a Halqa Taddabur Quran O Hadith. KHalid Masud was one of his early pupils who joined his Halqa. He was his only pupil who spent so much time with from 1958 till his death. He associated himself with Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi and remained with him till his death. Khalid Masud did a major role in converting knowledge of his teacher from his lectures into text for the benefits of the public. He also helped him in writing his famous tafseer Taddabur e Quran. Maulana Islahi had admired a number of times his efforts in spreading Farahi's & Islahi's schools of thought.Maulana Islahi appointed him Nazam of his Idara Taddabur Quran o Hadith and chief editor of his quarterly journal Taddabur in 1981. He served his teacher and Idara for twenty two years till his death in 2003. [ [ Khalid Masud: Amin Ahsan Islahi's Intellectual Heir (1935 — 2003)] ]

After death of Maulana Islahi, management of Madras Ul Islah, Siray Mir Azam Garh UP India arranged Imam Farahi Seminar in January 1999 and especially invited Allama Khalid Masud in place of Maulana Islahi. He presented two papers there. They offered him chair of Imam Farahi for presiding the seminar.

Books and magazines

"He wrote a number of books on Quran, Hadith, Grammar, Islam and Science for all ages."


* Quran e Hakim"Abridged version of Maulana Islahi's Tadabbur-i-Qur'an in one volume." [ [ Compilation by Khalid Masood] ]
* Hikmat e Quran"Based on Allama Hamiduddin Farahi's Arabic books." [ [ Compilation by Khalid Masood] ] He converted it into an Urdu for the benefit of the general public.


* Taddabur e Hadith - Sahih Bukhari by Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi {Two Volumes} [ [ Work done by Maulana Islahi] ]

* Taddabur e Hadith - Mowta Imam Malik by Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi {Two Volumes} [ [ Work done by Maulana Islahi] ]

"He converted audio lectures of his teacher Maulana Islahi into books by editing and adding and deleting necessary / unnecessary portions."


* Hayat e Rasul e Ummi [ [ Publications by Khalid Masood] ] .

"In this book he tried to discuss and to clear some issues related to life of Holy Prophet in the light of Quran with a different and non traditional approach."


* Asbaq Al Nahw

"This book is reproduction of original work of Maulana Hamiduddin Farahi. He added more exercises and extended its chapters to customize it for students in a simple language. His effort made it easier for student to learn arabic grammer"

For children

"He wrote a number of books for children on the topics of science. These include

* Ibtedai Falkiyat in Urdu ( Basic Astronomy)
* Kurrah Zamin in Urdu ( Earth)
* Podun ki Zindagi in Urdu ( Life of Plants)
* Alam e Haywanat in Urdu ( Zoology)
* Musalman aur Science in Urdu ( Muslims and Science)
* Ibtedai Bahr Pamai in Urdu ( Basic Navigation)"

" Above books were published by Quaid e Azam Library Lahore for children on science." [ [بچوں%20کی%20کتب&nav_id=22 Publications by Quaid e Azam Library Lahore] ]

Translations into Urdu

"He translated following great books into Urdu Language to make it easier for students of scince and philosphy."

* Francis Bacon's Novum Organum with Neoatlantas."It describes Bacon's belief that new system of logic is superior to the old ways of syllogism."
* Bertrand Russell's Our knowledge of external world.
." This book expresses much of Russell's thinking about science."
* Isaac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin: "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy")."It contains the statement of Newton's laws of motion forming the foundation of classical mechanics, as well as his law of universal gravitation and a derivation of Kepler's laws for the motion of the planets."
* Isaac Newton's Opticks . This book is about Optics and refraction of lights.

"Above all great books which were translated by Khalid Masud in a very good Urdu language are published by [ National Language Authority Pakistan] ." [ [ List of publications by National Language Authority Pakistan] ]


"He performed editorial job of a few magazines in following capacities"
* Chief Editor of Taddabur" Taddabur is a quarterly journal of Idara Taddabur i Quran o Hadith. It publishes articles on Farahi's Islahi's School of thoughts. He was its first editor and worked for it till his death."
* Editor of Quarterly Journal of Quaid e Azam Library." On joining Quaid e Azam Library in 1985, editorial responsibility of its quarterly journal was handed over to him. He worked for it till his retirement."

"In addition to above he wrote for different other magazines such as Meesaq & Shams ul Islam."

Professional work

"He wrote a number of article during his service in Punjab Industries Department Lahore. These include"

* Chemical Investigations on the seeds of Ficus Bangalensis.
* Synthetic tanning material from black liquor.
* Mechanism of heat transfer in the boiling regime.
* Sulphur dyes from black liquor.
* Survey report on paint & varnish industry in Punjab.


He had been suffering from Hepatitis C for a number of years. He died on October 1, 2003 at 2:20 pm in Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Famous Scholar & Companion of Islahi School of thought Allama Javed Ahmed Ghamidi offered his funeral prayer at Dongi Ground Samanabad Lahore. He was buried in his native village Lilla.

External links

* [ Pupil of Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi]
* [ List of books published by National Language Authority Pakistan]
* [ Islahi's intellectual heir]
* [ Quaid e Azam Library Lahore]

See also

* Islamic scholars
* Hamiduddin Farahi
* Amin Ahsan Islahi
* Tadabbur-i-Qur’an
* Javed Ahmad Ghamidi



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