- InkMedia
Information appliance
title = InkMediaMobile Personal Computer
manufacturer = OEM
type =Subnotebook
connectivity = 10/100M Ethernet
WLAN/Wifi 802.11b/g
media = 2GB NAND flash memory read only file system (compressed)
memory = SD Card for user data
operatingsystem =Linux
input = KeyboardTouchpad
power = 110-220Volt inputpower supply , 5-8 Hoursbattery life
cpu =VIA C7-M ULV Processor
memory = 512MB DDR SDRAM
ports = 4USB 2.0 , 1USB 1.1 (forkeyboard ), 2SD slots , 1RGB out forVGA monitor , 1Stereo minipin audio out,stereo minipin mic in
display = 8.0"Diagonal SVGA display (4:3)
1024 X 768True Color Video Output
video-decoding =RGB andLCD Plusmpeg 2hardware decoder
dimensions =The InkMedia mobile
computer (Ink MC) is alow cost mobile computer runningLinux /FOSS being developed by a Canadian company called InkMedia Inc. The laptop's pricing is said to be under US$300 [ [http://www.ink-media.com/Ink-Unique.html Ink-Computer ] ] and is being manufactured for thedeveloping anddeveloped world in order to reduce thedigital divide . The InkMedia mobile computer's technology and approach to market seems to be differ from other low cost computer initiatives. According to the manufacturer's website, the machine is being developed after experience inIndia showed the inventor [ [http://www.ink-media.com/Ink-About.html Ink-Computer ] ] how the traditional PC fared badly with respect to overheating,hard drive failures and virus infections as these factors add to thetotal cost of ownership (TCO) of computers. TheInk MC claims to beROM based and so has nohard disk or moving parts. The machine is supposed to draw power more like amobile phone and claims to run on a 12Vcar battery orsolar power . The manufacturer is presenting the machine as an individualproductivity tool and it is designed to bring inclusive access to technology to the followingsocial andeconomic sectors and segments ofsociety which may prove it to be for use by the masses:*
Home Users
*Public Sector
*Schools andAcademia
* Nonprofits andCivil Society
* Small and Medium Enterprise
*Creative Commons Community Project Background
InkMedia 's manufacturer website claims that it is to produce portable, powerful and people driven innovations to bridge the digital divide. The machine's research and prototyping began in 2002, a time period before the concept of other low-cost laptop projects were introduced. The machine is already commissioned by OLDES, anEU co-funded project under the IST Programme costing 3.65 million euro (under 6th FWP Sixth Framework Programme) with a funding of 2.5 million euro. [ [http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?ACTION=D&CALLER=PROJ_IST&RCN=80510 ISTweb - IST Projects ] ] The product's availability is unknown. [ [http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS3441111408.html Linux-based diskless notebook costs under $300 ] ]The Inventor
Gerry Morgan [ [http://www.ink-media.com/Ink-About.html Ink-Computer ] ] is theinventor ofInkMedia .Specs
The following system hardware specification is available from the manufacturers Website [ [http://www.ink-media.com/Ink-Specs.html Ink-Computer ] ]
* VIA C7-M ULV Processor
* Supports 1024 X 768 True Color Video Output on external display
* (RGB and LCD) Plus mpeg 2 hardware decoder
* 4 USB 2.0 ports, 1 USB 1.1 port (for keyboard)
* 2 SD slots
* 512 MB Ram
* 2 GB NAND Flash, containing read only file system (compressed)
* User storage on SD card
* 1 Stereo minipin audio out, stereo minipin mic in
* 1 RGB out for VGA monitor
* 10/100 Ethernet jack
* 802.11 b/g WiFi
* 110-220 Volt input power supply, will accept 12V car battery input and solar power chargers
* 5-8 Hours of battery life
* 8.0" Diagonal SVGA display (4:3)
* Supporting 800 x 600 True ColorKey Features
The InkMC manufacturer claims to be a lowcost laptop machine that can reduce the Total Cost of Ownership from initial cost, to software licensing and maintenance. From a basic point of view, the machine may ensure that the typical points of failure are removed including issues such as [ [http://villageidiotsavant.blogspot.com/2007/02/ink-media-computer.html village idiot savant: Ink Media computer ] ] :
* When there is no hard disk, it may possibly make the machine safe from failure, slow down or picking up viruses.
* When there are no moving parts, the possibility of overheating is reduced and there is a USB connection between the keyboard and the computer, which is located behind the screen.
* The machine's keyboard can be detached leaving the computer as a screen reader.
* The manufacturer also claims that the users of the machine will be provided with the facility to copy files to a USB stick/MP3 player, network or web server.
* From an independent standpoint, these features can help schools who currently struggle to recover work from a hard disk when the laptop fails.
* Personal productivity may give the machine and edge to be used as a public computer for example in clusters for flexible use across a school.
* Making available Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Open Office may provide the opportunity for covering most of what most people need on a day to day basis through.
* As the manufacturer claims in its distribution mode, possibly there will be no training overhead because of ease of use and users are not expected to carry out running repairs."EU OLDES Project
OLDES [ [http://www.oldes.eu OLDES - Old people's e-services at home ] ] Project, an EU co-funded project under theIST Programme that plans to offer new technological solutions to improve the quality of life of older people, through the development of a very low cost and easy to use entertainment and health care platform, designed to ease the life of the elderly in their homes is using theInkMedia Italic text machine. As the number of elderly people is increasing significantly and rapidly in all EU countries, creating substantial problems in terms of resources needed for assisting them. OLDES aims to plan and develop a technological, cheap and easy to use platform for tele-assistance and tele-company, thanks to the joint work of 11 EU partners. Their website includes partners like:* Project co-ordinator - Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie] , l'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA)
* Cup 2000 SPA (IT)
* Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT)
* The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)
* Centre d'Excellence en Technologies de l'Information
* Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze (CZ)
* Ink Media Inc (Canada)
* Agentscape AG (Germany)
* Bologna Municipality (IT)
* Azienda Unita Sanitaria Locale di Bologna (IT)
* Univerzita Karlova v Praze (CZ)The OLDES platform claims to be tested during 2 pilot projects, one developed in Bologna on a sample of 100 elderly people (10 of them affected by cardio disease) and one developed in Prague on diabetics.
*Bologna pilot project: work in progress
*Prague pilot project ( [http://www.oldes.eu/pilot/dox/Prague-pilot-information.doc download] *.doc file, 24 kb)Distribution Model
After discussions with the manufacturer, it was revealed that the
InkMedia business and distribution model is based upon providing distribution through identifying local channel business partners whom they believe as key to supporting locally evolved sustainable development support. They want the local partner to search for means to add value in ways that are appropriate to their local communities that they serve, for example through providing content or training services and thereby offering employment opportunities to help reduce poverty. This approach seems to be for-profit but is augmented by the establishment of a Gerry Morgan Foundation by its inventor, to function as a charitable foundation. The manufacturer claims to have manufacturing based in Beijing. The manufacturer is also exploring opportunities to expand its manufacturing and/or assembly bases to other regions for further reducing the cost of manufacturing.Gerry Morgan Foundation, Canada
Enquiring on Corporate Social Responsibility as other initiatives, the inventor has incorporated a foundation that will receive contribution/portion of income from laptop sales by Ink Media Inc. and re-invest that contributed amount in the form of ICT Aid Programmes and free-of-cost laptops distributed to least developed countries, civil society, healthcare organizations and educational institutions that cannot otherwise afford to buy the laptops due to unavoidable circumstances. Therefore, Gerry Morgan Foundation is dedicated to serve as the Social Sector and Civil Society distribution hand for contributions from the Corporate Social Responsibility wing of Ink Media Inc.
Participating countries
The manufacturer claims to have set up
distribution channels in the following countries and regions to create localbusiness andemployment opportunities:*
*European Union
*Middle East
* NorthernArabia
*South Asia
*South East Asia
*Asia-Pacific ;Similar projects
* [http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.107.html Infodev]World Bank provides a detailed quick guide to low costcomputing devices and initiatives for thedeveloping world includingInkMedia .References
External links
* [http://www.ink-media.com InkMedia Home Page]
* [http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?ACTION=D&CALLER=PROJ_IST&RCN=80510 EU IST Project Fact Sheet] Older People's e-services at home (OLDES)
* [http://www.oldes.eu/partners/ink.php OLDES] - Old people's e-services at home Ink-Media Inc. Partner Profile
* [http://www.oldes.eu/pilot/dox/Prague-pilot-information.doc download] OLDES Prague pilot project
* [http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.107.html Infodev] World Bank quick guide to low-cost computing devices and initiatives for the developing world
* [http://www.oshca.net/conferences/oshca-april-2007-conference-kuala-lumpur/OSHCA07_Alternative_Health_Technology_Bajwa.pdf OSHCA Opportunities] Alternative Health Technology, [http://www.oshca.org OSHCA] Open Source Health Care Alliance Annual Conference, May 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
* [http://icommons.pentabarf.org/archive/events/42.en.html A Laptop Per Artist] Alternative Hardware Technology for the CC Community
* [http://bhm-worldwide.com/inkmedia.htm BHM-Worldwide]
* [http://community.telecentre.org/en-tc/node/31640 Telecentre.org] Various alternative hardware access solutions from across the globe, Fouad Bajwa.
* Sambandaraska, D. [http://www.bangkokpost.com/Database/31Oct2007_data01.php Notebooks for all] . "A Canadian company has yet another solution for bridging the world's digital divide.". The Bangkok Post. 31 October 2007.
* Timbuong, Jo. The Star Online, Malaysia [http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/11/9/nation/19386556&... Canadian invents computer to last a lifetime] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.