Shitennō (Tokugawa clan)

Shitennō (Tokugawa clan)

The nihongo|Four Heavenly Guardians of the Tokugawa clan|徳川四天王|Tokugawa-shitennō| were four famous Japanese samurai generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu during the Sengoku Period through early Edo period:

*Honda Tadakatsu
*Sakakibara Yasumasa
*Sakai Tadatsugu
*Ii Naomasa

Each of these four generals went on to found one of the prominent fudai daimyo families of the Edo period.


*ja icon [ Japanese Wikipedia article on the Shitennō] (23 Sept. 2007)

Further reading

*Bolitho, Harold (1974). "Treasures among men; the fudai daimyo in Tokugawa Japan". New Haven: Yale University Press.

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