- Supermusic
Supermusic (commonly abbreviated to SMc) is a form of post modern mental consciousness of
music , that can be described as a form of counter current to established, narrowgenre dubbings within modern composition in general.The term supermusic covers a sort of ironic distancing to the common trend towards the popular, systematic understanding of music, by referring to certain time-honored genres (e.g. dub, DnB, indie, electronica, electronic, ambient etc.). In short, supermusic intends to reject the idea of a uni-dimensional genre scaffolding, or a one-dimensional vacuum of genres from religious
ambient music or renaissance mass or motet at the one end, and all the way to extreme heavy metal subgenres such asdeath metal at the other end. Supermusic embodies an intention of human listening to sounds without prejudice and/or knowledge.Composers of supermusic actively reflect a want to break established patterns of common mental landscapes of musical knowing. In other words, composers of SMc consciously rule out any dubbing of their musical or audible art.
The term supermusic is therefore, by definition, not a musical genre, or perhaps even a 'non-genre'. At the same time, supermusic has left a trace of performing artist, mainly in Scandinavian countries.
By definition, supermusic can be played on super instruments only. However, this eponymous notion is a mere extension of the same fundamental idea, that all the prescriptive musical genres by their mere existence remove music as a sensory and perceptive knowing from alle the combinations of real or superficial sounds surrounding us as human beings.
External links
* [http://www.myspace.com/sorevspowder Sore vs. Powder]
* [http://web.mac.com/parsimon/iWeb/Sted/podcast/7A25E6AB-794D-47E4-A6AF-BAC191719005.html Scotoma]
* [http://web.mac.com/parsimon/iWeb/Sted/podcast/7A25E6AB-794D-47E4-A6AF-BAC191719005.html]
* [http://www.iua.upf.edu/mtg/reacTable/ superinstrument]
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