- Bibi Blocksberg
"Bibi Blocksberg" is a German series of
radio drama for children, created in1980 byElfie Donnelly . The main character is a girl called Bibi Blocksberg, who is awitch . As of winter 2008, there have been 92 episodes. The original title of the series was "Eene meene Hexerei". This title was used for the first seven episodes, after which the series was renamed to "Bibi Blocksberg". The first episodes were later released under the new title and with a new cover. The old episodes are very sought after among collectors. The length of the episodes originally varied between 35 and 40 minutes and nowadays between 40 and 45 minutes. An exception is episode #78 with a length of 52 minutes.In the series, Bibi, who is fond of making
practical joke s, experiences numerous adventures with her friends. Magic often plays a major part, and often leads to troubles, and Bibi's mother, who is also a witch, must come to set things straight. Bibi's antagonist is often the mayor of Neustadt, who is presented as lazy and incompetent. This leads to conflict with the helpful Bibi.The surname of Bibi is a reference to the old name of the Brocken, a mountain in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) that is traditionally connected with witches ("
Walpurgis Night "), most famously in Goethe's "Faust ".Characters
Bibi (Brigitte) is a 13-year-old girl, depicted on the cover with blond hair tied to a
pony tail with a red strap and wearing a green dress (her favourite colour), white socks and no shoes. Bibi likes to use her magical powers to make practical jokes. Not only the mayor, but also the school principal, the teachers and many other people of Neustadt fall victim to her jokes. Her favourite mode of transport is herbroomstick "Kartoffelbrei" which she can make fly by chanting spells such as "Eene meene Mei, Kartoffelbrei mein Flugzeug sei" or "Eeene meene Schmieg, Kartoffelbrei los, flieg". Often, thejournalist Karla Kolumna reports her jokes and adventures. In some episodes, she joins Bibi in her adventures, such as in episode #50 "Bibi im Orient" and episode #31 "Die Märcheninsel". Apart from her tendency to make jokes, Bibi has a big heart. She rescues the townspeople in many episodes and is opposed to injustice in the world.Bibi's family
Bernhard and Barbara Blocksberg are Bibi's parents. Barbara is also a witch, and flies to the
Walburgisnacht every year on her broomstick "Baldrian". In the beginning, she was very bad at cooking, or even conjuring up, food, and because of this she is always very angry when people criticise her spider leg soup. When Barbara is tired of her family, she flies to visit her friend. She has a witch's laboratory where she often makes foul-smelling magical potions and makes experiments with various herbs. She feels responsible for upholding a "normal" life in her household and has thus made many rules in the Blocksberg house, for example no flying in through the window, no flying on the broomstick to school, use magic only in an emergency, but these rules are often broken. She frequently reminds her daughter of the witches' honour code, which for example forbids conjuring upmoney . Bernhard has no magic powers, as these are exclusive to women. He would like to have a simple, normal family, which he mentions in nearly every episode. He often forbids Barbara and Bibi to use magic, but they never obey him. However, he is proud of "his" witches. He has a habit of reading the town newspaper every morning. Although Bernhard and Barbara often have arguments, which sometimes escalate todivorce threats, they love each other and in some later episodes go on romantic cruises, for example toVenice .The first seven episodes also featured Bibi's little brother Boris. He is often very jealous of Bibi's magic powers and this has led to many arguments between them. According to episode #1, he is eight years old, and in episode #9 he moves to his grandparents' house at the North Sea. The cause for this is that he has a cough and needs fresh lake air. Later, in #30 (in der Ritterzeit), Frank Schaff-Langhans (Boris` voice) gives his voice to Sir Lancelots' knave as well.
Monika is Bibi's best friend. She first appears in episode #10, when she comes to Bibi's class. Originally, she was unpopular. She is often unfriendly to her classmates, and thus she is called a "Landpomeranze". Only when Bibi finds out that Moni sometimes has troubles with her parents, she decides to help her, and they become good friends.
Marita is Bibi's best friend in later episodes. Bibi meets her in episode #19. They often have arguments together and can't stand each other, but remain close friends. Marita appears often in later episodes and has many exciting adventures with Bibi.
Florian is one of Bibi's best friends and a
computer guru. He has helped her to hatch adinosaur egg and on many other adventures. Bibi often calls him simply "Flori".The mayor
The mayor often makes many good promises, but his motive is always only money. He has a speech defect and calls Bibi "Blocksbergi". He is dominant and rude to his secretary Pichler. He has a great appetite for food and is thus very fat. He is sometimes megalomanic, for example in episode #64 "Die neue Schule" he orders a new city hall to be built in the form of a
castle , and in episode #63 "Die Wahrsagerin" he visits a fortune teller, who tells him he is going to be King of Neustadt, and so he orders a regal robe and sceptre. He often appears a bit stupid, and his character is defined by a lust for profit and a habit of emphasising his own importance. However, he is not evil, he has a good heart hidden deep inside him.Karla Kolumna
Karla is a reporter, who is always looking for a big story. She is good friends with the Blocksberg family and often helps them. She often rides a
motorcycle on her job. Her notable attributes are her high-pitched voice and loud laugh. Karla Kolumna also appears in the radio drama series "Benjamin Blümchen ".Flauipaui
Flauipaui is a witch who is friends with Bibi and Schubia. She is obsessed with her appearance, often combing herself and looking at herself in the mirror. She is often bitter, but also very scared. She is afraid of her magic teacher Tante Mania, because she never understands her homework. However, she can be very brave in dangerous situations. She goes to magic school with Schubia Wanzhaar and Bibi Blocksberg. Her broomstick is called "Gänseblümchen".
Schubia Wanzhaar is a young punk witch. She has green hair and a motor broomstick called "Kawakasi". She often has problems with her magic teacher Tante Mania. She is often overconfident, but is good friends with Bibi. She appears tough, but has a soft heart. She wears punk clothes and always wears deep red
lipstick .The Thunderstorms
Cecily Thunderstorm is Bibi's aunt from
Ireland and also a witch. She first appears in episode #8, and thereafter in episodes #36 and #82. She is married to Patrick Thunderstorm, who has no magic powers. Her daughter Margie first has problems with Bibi, but when Bibi learns of the castle's financial problems, she helps Margie and they become friends.Cast
Further works
There have been two
film s about Bibi Blocksberg:
* 2002 "Bibi Blocksberg"
* 2004 "Bibi Blocksberg und das Geheimnis der blauen Eulen "There is also acartoon show with three seasons with 26 episodes each, and the cartoon film "Geht's auch ohne Hexerei?". There are also two spin-offs: "Elea Elunda ", appearing as a guest in episode #78, and "Bibi und Tina ", in which Bibi has adventures on a riding farm.Bibi has several cameo appearances in the series "
Benjamin the Elephant ", also by Elfie Donnelly. In fact, Bibi was first introduced in that series alongside Benjamin, and the general setting and some of the characters (especially Karla Kolumna) are the same in both audio play series.Episodes
Cartoon show
* Season 1
** 1. "Der Wetterfrosch" ("The weather frog")
** 2. "B.B. als Prinzessin" ("as a princess")
** 3. "B.B. als Babysitter" ("as a baby sitter")
** 4. "3x schwarzer Kater" ("3x black cats")
** 5. "Der Superhexspruch" ("The super spell")
** 6. "B.B. im Dschungel" ("in the jungle")
** 7. "B.B. und das Dino-Ei" ("and the dinosaur egg")
** 8. "B.B. und die Vampire" ("and the vampires")
** 9. "Wo ist Kartoffelbrei?" ("Where is Kartoffelbrei?")
** 10. "Das Wettfliegen" ("The flying competition")
** 11. "Die Mathekrankheit" ("The math sickness")
** 12. "Die neue Schule" ("The new school")
** 13. "B.B. im Orient" ("in the Orient")
* Season 2
** 14. "B.B. und die Weihnachtsmänner" ("and the Santa Clauses")
** 15. "B.B. verliebt sich" ("falls in love")
** 16. "Geht's auch ohne Hexerei!" ("It works even without magic!")
* Season 3
** 17. "Der weiße Kakadu" ("The white parrot")
** 18. "Superpudel Puck" ("Puck, the super poodle")
** 19. "Das verhexte Dromedar" ("The magical dromedary")
** 20. "Abenteuer bei den Dinos" ("Adventure among the dinosaurs")
** 21. "Der Hexenbann" ("The magical ban")
** 22. "Die Computerhexe" ("The computer witch")
** 23. "Der Hexengeburtstag" ("The witch birthday")
** 24. "Die Schlossgespenster" ("The castle ghosts")
** 25. "Hexerei im Zirkus" ("Magic at the circus")
** 26. "Mamis Geburtstag" ("Mommy's birthday")Radio dramas
Theme song
Originally, the series had an instrumental theme. In the new episodes there is a vocal theme song. The melody was arranged by
Heiko Rüsse . Since episode #83, there has been a new theme song, arranged byWolfgang W. Loos and Heiko Rüsse.Criticism
Bibi Blocksberg is generally considered a good, entertaining and educational children's series.
It has however received criticism from the scientist
Gerd Strohmeier . The cause of the criticism is the character of the incompetent and corrupt mayor of Neustadt, which Strohmeier claims will give a negative view of politics to children. [ [http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/2RQI2Y,2,0,Politik_bei_Benjamin_Bl%C3%BCmchen_und_Bibi_Blocksberg.html Politik bei Benjamin Blümchen und Bibi Blocksberg - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 41/2005) ] ]External links
* [http://www.bibiblocksberg.de/ Official site]
* [http://www2.kiddinx.de/media/hoerspiele/bibi/bibi_uebersicht.pdf A list of all episodes (Pdf)]
* [http://www.zeichentrickserien.de/bibi.htm The Bibi Blocksberg cartoon]
* [http://www.kika.de/scripts/fernsehen/a_z/index.cfm?b=b&a=2&i=60 Bibi Blocksberg cartoon at Kika, with a description of some characters]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.