Geng Huichang

Geng Huichang

Geng Huichang (Chinese: 耿惠昌; Pinyin: Gěng Hùichāng; born 1951), is the Minister of State Security of the People's Republic of China.


He originates from Hebei. [cite web | author= | year=| title=Who's Who in China's Leadership | format= | work= | url=|accessdate= ] In 1985 he became deputy director of the "Institute of International Relations". In 1990 he was promoted to director. He headed the government-backed China Institute of Contemporary International Relations until 1995. [cite web | author= | year=| title=International Herald Tribune | format= | work= | url=|accessdate= ] He allegedly contributed to a 1993 book on international trade. [cite web | author= | year=| title=International Herald Tribune | format= | work= | url=|accessdate= ]

In September 1998 he became deputy minister of the Ministry of State Security. He has been involved in security preparations for the Olympics. [cite web | author= | year=| News wires | format= | work= | url=|accessdate= ]

In August 2007 he was promoted to minister. Geng is a professor, [cite web | author= | year=| title=The Weekly Standard | format= | work= | url=|accessdate=] expert on economic and commercial intelligence, [cite web | author= | year=| title=China Confidential | format= | work= | url=|accessdate= ] the USA and Japan. [cite web | author= | year=| title=The Weekly Standard | format= | work= | url=|accessdate=] His predecessor is Xu Yongyue. [cite web | author= | year=| title=Hu Sacks 5 ministers | format= | work= | url=|accessdate=]

Geng Huichang was the member of the 17th CPC Central Committee from 2007.


External links

* [ Image and short Profile on him on official site]

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