Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas (January 6 1893-June 7 1967) was Lithuanian poet and prosaist. He used pen name "Putinas" (literally "Viburnum").


Mykolaitis was born in Pilotiškės, back in 1893. In 1909 he enrolled to Seinai Priest Seminary, after few years he published his first poem. In 1915 Vincas Mykolaitis was consecrated as priest, however questioned his mission as priest. Later he continued studies in St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, Vincas Mykolaitis published his first collection of poems back in 1917. After St. Petersburg, Vincas Mykolaitis continued his studies in Switzerland, received doctoral degree in 1922.

After studies in western Europe Vincas Mykolaitis settled in Lithuania, delivered lectures in University of Lithuania. During his stay in France Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas started to work on his the most famous novel - "Altorių šešėly" (In the Shadows of Altar). Until 1933 was published 3 parts of the novel. Back in 1935 Vincas Mykolaitis renounced his priesthood. In 1940 he started to work at Vilnius University, there he became professor.

Vincas Mykolaitis died in Kačerginė back in 1967 and was buried in Vilnius, Rasos Cemetery. Among other notable Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas creations were - novel "Sukilėliai" (unfinished), "Tarp dviejų aušrų" and others.


*lt icon Lithuanian Classical Literature Anthology. [ Biography] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22
*lt icon Lithuanian Classical Literature Anthology. [ Major works] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22

External links

*lt icon Lithuanian Classical Literature Anthology. [ "Altorių šešėly" (In the Shadows of Altar) text] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22

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