Petrus Thaborita

Petrus Thaborita

Petrus Jacobi Thaborita (real name Peter Jacobusz van Bolsward) (Bolsward, 1450 - 1527) was a Frisian monk, historian and writer. He was most famous for his writings on the Frisian freedom fighter Pier Gerlofs Donia, and for writing down Donia's last words. In the extended works by Thaborita van Bolsward is found information on the Frisian chieftains warlords Jancko Douwama and Haring Harinxma (the Donia ancestor). The Dutch writer Conrad Busken Huet used many of Thaborita's descriptions of historical figures in later books. He also translated the description of Donia. Thaborita joined the monastry at an advanched age, as a widower with two sons.

Petrus also dedicated a chapter in one of his booksspecify to Donia:

About the death of Greate Pier Pier Gerlofs Donia:
"In dat ſelue iaer van 20 ſoe is gheſtoruen groet Pyer, op ſinte Lucas nacht. Van deeſe Pier was grote ſpraeck in Hollant, in Brabant ende in ander landen, van ſin grote ſtercheit ende gruwelicheit, ende van ſin grote oghen; ende ſy maectent groter dant was; mer noch tans wasſet een groet, ſwaert, man mit grote oghen, grote ſchouwer ende een groten baert, ende gruweliken van aenſyen, ſonderlingh als hy toernich was; ende hy was grof ende plompt van ſpraeck ende weſen; want hy en conſte nyet bequam ſpreken voert recht ofte voer heeren; mer mit ſin groue Fryeſche ſlaghen quaem hy mede vort, ende dat ghyngh hem alſoe plomp of, dat alle menſchen, die daer by ſtonden, worden beweghen tot lachgen; ende hy was froem ende fel op die vianden, mer hy was redelyk van herten als een Kerſten man."

English translation:

"In the very same year of 1520, on Saint Lucas night, the giant Grutte Pier passed away. Of this Great Pier, many people in Holland spoke. In Brabant and other countries as well. Tales went around about his strength and many feared him. Many were made up; it made him look bigger and better than he actually was. He was a big man, with big eyes, broad shoulders and a long, black beard and moustache. He often made jokes, and the townfolks loved to listen to his tales. He had killed many enemies, but he had a rather good character, as if he were a good Christian."

Anton Reinhard Falck was the owner of the original documents, he lent these to the researchers Visser and Amersfoordt.


"Archief voor Vaderlandse en ingezonderheid Vriesche geschiedenis, oudheid- en taalkunde" by H.W.C.A. Visser and H. Amersfoordt, part one printed by G.T.N. Suringar, Leeuwarden,1824 and part two printed by H.C. Schetsberg, Leeuwarden, 1827.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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