VMware Infrastructure

VMware Infrastructure

name = VMware Infrastructure

caption =
developer = VMware, Inc.
latest_release_version = 3.5 Update 1
latest release date = April 11, 2008
operating_system =
platform = x86-compatible
genre = Virtual machine suite
license = Proprietary
website = [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/ VMware Infrastructure]

In the field of computing, VMware Infrastructure 3 (VI) consists of a suite of virtualization products from VMware, Inc. (a division of EMC Corporation). The suite includes:

* VMware ESX Server version 3
* VMware Virtual Center version 2
* Virtual SMP (which allows a guest operating system to "see" up to 4 CPUs in the virtual machine).

Users can supplement this software bundle by purchasing optional products, such as VMotion, as well as distributed services such as:

* VMware High Availability ( [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/vc/ha.html HA] )
* VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler ( [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/vc/drs.html DRS] )
* VMware [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/consolidated_backup.html Consolidated Backup]

VMware Inc. released VMware [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/ Infrastructure 3] in June 2006. The suite comes in three "editions": Starter, Standard and Enterprise.

Known limitations

Known limitations in VMware Infrastructure 3 may constrain the design of data centers: [cite web |publisher=VMware, Inc. |url=http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi3_35/esx_3/r35/vi3_35_25_config_max.pdf
title=Configuration Maximums for VMware Infrastructure 3 |date=2008-06-18 |accessdate=2008-09-05

As of June 2008, limitations in VMware Infrastructure 3 version 3.5 include the following:

* Guest system maximum RAM: 64 GB
* Number of guest CPUs: 4
* Number of hosts in a HA cluster: 32
* Number of hosts in a DRS cluster: 32
* Size of RAM per server: 256 GB
* Number of hosts managed by Virtual Center Server: 200
* Number of virtual machines managed by Virtual Center Server: 2000

Other limitations exist, for example, volume size is limited to 64 TB with no more than 6 SCSI controllers per virtual machine; maximum number of remote consoles to a virtual machine is 10.

See also

* Comparison of virtual machines: a list of related virtualization software products
* List of VMware software
* Virtual appliance
* Virtual machine
* Virtualization
* VMware VMFS, the VMware SAN file system
* X86 virtualization


External links

* [http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/ VMware Infrastructure product page] - VMware, Inc.
* [http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vi_pages/vi_pubs_35.html VMware Infrastructure 3 documentation]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWf_WiaFedc VMware Infrastructure 3 demo] - YouTube

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