Luník IX

Luník IX

Geobox | settlement
name = Luník IX
native_name =
other_name =
category = Borough
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =

image_caption =

symbol =
country = Slovakia

state =
region = Košice
district = Košice II
municipality =
part =
river =
location =
elevation =
lat_d = 48
lat_m = 41
lat_s = 45
lat_NS = N
long_d = 21
long_m = 13
long_s = 25
long_EW = E
coordinates_type = region:SK_type:city
highest =
highest_lat_d =
highest_long_d =
lowest =
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_long_d =
area = 1.063
area_round = 3
population = 5368
population_date = 2005
population_density = auto
established =
established_type =
date =
mayor =
timezone =
timezone_DST =
postal_code = 04011
area_code = 421-55
code = KE
code_type = Car plate
free =

map_background = Slovakia - background map.png map_caption = Location of Luník IX in Slovakia
map_locator = Slovakia
website = []
commons =
footnotes =Source [ [ Mestská a obecná štatistika SR ] ]

Luník IX is a borough in the city of Košice, Slovakia, in the Košice II district. It is located in the western-central part of the city, surrounded by the boroughs of Pereš, Myslava, Barca, Juh and Západ.


The borough houses the largest Roma community in Slovakia. [ [ Košický Lunik IX čaká veľké sťahovanie - ] ] Although originally built for 2,500 inhabitants, it is estimated that the population is now three times larger. The living standards are low, with services such as gas, water and electricity cut off, as the majority of inhabitants aren't paying rent or utilities.cite news|url=|title= Residents of Roma ghetto to be moved |work=The Slovak Spectator] There are commonly health problems, with diseases like hepatitis, head lice, diarrhoea, scabies or meningitis appearing regularly. Unemployment in the borough reaches almost 100 percent. The borough has one elementary school and a kindergarten.


The borough was originally built as a neighbourhood for army, police officers and Roma (called "neighbourhood of ABC type"). However, a Roma village close to the borough was demolished in 1979 and the Roma were moved into Luník IX; in addition, there was a landfill nearby. As early as in the 1980s the Roma were making up half of the population, which was around 2,000. Over time, the non-Roma population gradually moved away, with the Roma taking flats after them, and the borough turned into a Roma ghetto. [ [ Doctor struggles to understand Roma ghetto after 25 years - The Slovak Spectator] ] In 1995, the city council of Košice created a conception for the living conditions of dodgers, maladjusted and people from illegally occupied flats around Košice. [ Košice :: Kosice Cassovia Kassa Koszyce :: Slovakia - aktuálne, mapy, doprava, história, foto, médiá, služby ::: Cassovia.Sk ] ] They were to be moved into Luník IX, with “non-problematic” families being gradually moved out of it, if they would request. The realization of this plan is on-going.


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