- Pressler
Pressler is a surname and may refer to:
Kimberly Pressler
*Larry Pressler
*Menahem Pressler
*Mike Pressler
*Paul Pressler
*Sylvia Pressler
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Pressler is a surname and may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Pressler — oder Preßler ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Elias Pressler (* 1988), österreichischer Filmschauspieler Kerstin Preßler (* 1962), deutsche Langstreckenläuferin Max Preßler (1815–1886), deutscher Ingenieur, Forstwissenschaftler, Erfinder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pressler — Prẹssler, Mirjam, geborene Gụnkel, Schriftstellerin, * Darmstadt 18. 6. 1940; wuchs bei Pflegeeltern auf, 1964 70 mit einem Israeli verheiratet; im Mittelpunkt ihrer oft autobiographisch gefärbten Kinder und Jugendbücher stehen Außenseiter,… … Universal-Lexikon
PRESSLER, MENAHEM — (1928– ), pianist. Originating in Magdeburg, the family immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939. Pressler received most of his musical training in Israel – he studied with Eliyahu Rudiakow and Prof. Leo Kestenberg. A brilliant soloist, he first… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Pressler — 1. Oberdeutsche Schreibweisen von Bressler, Breßler. 2. Herkunftsnamen zu dem Ortsnamen Pressel (Sachsen) … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Pressler, Gene — (1893 Jersey City, NJ ) (USA) Prominent art deco illustrator who worked on calendars, magazine illustrations, and pinups. Studied at the Art Students League under F. Mora and E. Dufner … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Mike Pressler — is an American lacrosse coach. He is currently the head coach of the Bryant University Bulldogs[1] as well as the 2010 United States national lacrosse team.[2] He served as the head coach of the Duke Blue Devils for 16 seasons until he was fired… … Wikipedia
Larry Pressler — Infobox Senator |name=Larry Pressler nationality=American jr/sr=United States Senator state=South Dakota party=Republican term start=January 3, 1979 term end=January 3, 1997 preceded=James Abourezk succeeded=Tim Johnson date of birth=birth date… … Wikipedia
Menahem Pressler — (born 16 December 1923, Magdeburg) is a German born American pianist, founding member of the Beaux Arts Trio. Contents 1 Professional career 2 Awards and recognitions 3 Discography 4 … Wikipedia
Paul Pressler — was the president and CEO of Gap, Inc. from September 2002 to 22 January 2007. [Company press release, 22 January 2007. [http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/070122/sfm100.html?.v=65] ] . He took on the ailing retailer but even he was unable to turn it… … Wikipedia
Larry Pressler — Larry Lee Pressler (* 29. März 1942 in Humboldt, Minnehaha County, South Dakota) ist ein ehemaliger US amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei, der den Bundesstaat South Dakota über viele Jahre sowohl im Repräsentantenhaus als auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia