- Locrian
Locrian may refer to several different things:
;in ancient history and geography
*theLocrians , an ancient Greek ethnic group
*of or relating toLocris , the territory of the above;in music
*theLocrian mode
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Locrian may refer to several different things:
;in ancient history and geography
*of or relating to
;in music
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Locrian — adjective /ˈləʊkɹɪən/ a) pertaining to the ancient Greek region of , 1973: scattered piano keys (all white, an octave on B to be exact or H, in the German nomenclature the notes of the rejected Locrian mode) Thomas Pynchon, Gravitys Rainbow b)… … Wiktionary
Locrian Greek — (Locrian dialect, Greek: Λοκρική διάλεκτος) is one of the ancient Greek dialects, which was spoken by the Locrians in Locris, Central Greece. It is classified as a dialect of Doric Northwest Greek. The Locrians were divided into two, the Ozolian… … Wikipedia
Locrian mode — The Locrian mode is a musical mode or diatonic scale. It may be considered a minor scale with the second and fifth scale degrees lowered a semi tone. The Locrian mode may also be considered as a scale beginning on the seventh scale degree of any… … Wikipedia
locrian mode — noun Usage: usually capitalized L Etymology: Locrian (I) : an authentic ecclesiastical mode represented on the white keys of the piano by an ascending scale from B to B but not actually used because its pentachord and tetrachord comprise… … Useful english dictionary
Locrian — adjective or noun see Locris … New Collegiate Dictionary
locrian — lo·cri·an … English syllables
locrian — I. ˈlōkrēən, ˈläk adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Locris, region in the central part of ancient Greece (from Latin, from Greek Lokris) + English an : of or relating to Locris in ancient Greece II … Useful english dictionary
Major Locrian scale — Major Locrian on C Play (help· … Wikipedia
Major locrian scale — In music, the major locrian scale, also called the locrian major scale , is the scale obtained by sharpening the second and third degrees of the locrian mode. With a tonic of C, it consists of the notes C D E F G♭ A♭ B♭. It can be described as a… … Wikipedia
Locris — Locrian, n., adj. /loh kris/, n. either of two districts in the central part of ancient Greece. * * * … Universalium