Stylidium edentatum

Stylidium edentatum


image_caption =
status =
status_ref =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Stylidiaceae
genus = "Stylidium"
subgenus = "Centridium"
species = "S. edentatum"
binomial = "Stylidium edentatum"
binomial_authority = Lowrie & Carlquist 1989

"Stylidium edentatum" is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the genus "Stylidium" (family Stylidiaceae). It is an annual plant that grows around 6 cm tall. The elliptical leaves form a basal rosettes around the stem. The leaves are around 0.3-0.8 mm long with recurved margins. Inflorescences are produced on solitary scapes and bear flowers that are white with rose-coloured markings at the base of the corolla lobes and two tooth-shaped throat appendages present. "S. edentatum" was a previously overlooked species that is related to and appears similar to "S. calcaratum" and "S. ecorne". Allen Lowrie and Sherwin Carlquist described this species in 1989 and argued that if "S. ecorne" is considered distinct from "S. calcaratum", then certainly "S. edentatum" warrants placement at the species level. It differs from "S. calcaratum" and "S. ecorne" by the long petioles on its recurved leaves, and the cuneate, obtuse, and unlobed posterior corolla lobes. They also have a distinctive lateral toothlike appendage at the base of each posterior corolla lobe.Carlquist, S.J. and Lowrie, A. (1989). Two new species of "Stylidium" from Western Australia. "Phytologia", 67(5): 368-376.] "S. edentatum" is endemic to southwestern Western Australia.Lowrie, A., and Kenneally, K.F. (1998). Three new triggerplant species in "Stylidium" subgenus "Centridium" (Stylidiaceae) from Western Australia. "Nuytsia", 12(2): 197-206.]

See also

* List of "Stylidium" species


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