Freidlin-Wentzell theorem

Freidlin-Wentzell theorem

In mathematics, the Freidlin-Wentzell theorem is a result in the large deviations theory of stochastic processes. Roughly speaking, the Freidlin-Wentzell theorem gives an estimate for the probability that a (scaled-down) sample path of an Itō diffusion will stray far from the mean path. This statement is made precise using rate functions. The Freidlin-Wentzell theorem generalizes Schilder's theorem for standard Brownian motion.

tatement of the theorem

Let "B" be a standard Brownian motion on R"d" starting at the origin, 0 ∈ R"d", and let "X""ε" be an R"d"-valued Itō diffusion solving an Itō stochastic differential equation of the form

:egin{cases} mathrm{d} X_{t}^{varepsilon} = b(X_{t}^{varepsilon}) , mathrm{d} t + sqrt{varepsilon} , mathrm{d} B_{t}; \ X_{0}^{varepsilon} = 0; end{cases}

where the drift vector field "b" : R"d" → R"d" is uniformly Lipschitz continuous. Then, on the Banach space "C"0 = "C"0( [0, "T"] ; R"d") equipped with the supremum norm ||·||∞, the family of processes ("X""ε")"ε">0 satisfies the large deviations principle with good rate function "I" : "C"0 → R ∪ {+∞} given by

:I(omega) = frac{1}{2} int_{0}^{T} | dot{omega}_{t} - b(omega_{t}) |^{2} , mathrm{d} t

if "ω" lies in the Sobolev space "H"1( [0, "T"] ; R"d"), and "I"("ω") = +∞ otherwise. In other words, for every open set "G" ⊆ "C"0 and every closed set "F" ⊆ "C"0,

:limsup_{varepsilon downarrow 0} varepsilon log mathbf{P} ig [ X^{varepsilon} in F ig] leq - inf_{omega in F} I(omega)


:liminf_{varepsilon downarrow 0} varepsilon log mathbf{P} ig [ X^{varepsilon} in G ig] geq - inf_{omega in G} I(omega).


* cite book
last = Freidlin
first = Mark I.
coauthors = Wentzell, Alexander D.
title = Random perturbations of dynamical systems
series = Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences] 260
edition = Second edition
publisher = Springer-Verlag
location = New York
year = 1998
pages = pp. xii+430
isbn = 0-387-98362-7
* cite book
last= Dembo
first = Amir
coauthors = Zeitouni, Ofer
title = Large deviations techniques and applications
series = Applications of Mathematics (New York) 38
edition = Second edition
publisher = Springer-Verlag
location = New York
year = 1998
pages = pp. xvi+396
isbn = 0-387-98406-2
MathSciNet|id=1619036 (See chapter 5.6)

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