Franz von Uchatius

Franz von Uchatius

Franz von Uchatius (1811-1881) was an Austrian artillery general and inventor. His inventions included both military applications and pioneer work in cinematography.

He invented a motion picture projector in the early 1850s [ [ Motion Pictures - The Invention Of Motion Pictures ] ] , developing it over the years from 1845 [ [ Film Principles Class Notes ] ] from the device then called stroboscope (Simon von Stampfer) [ [ Adventures in CyberSound: Magic Machines: 1826 - 1875 ] ] and phenakistiscope (Joseph Plateau) [ [ Adventures in CyberSound: von Uchatius, Franz ] ] . This was the first example of projected animation [ [ Chronology of Animation: Beginning ] ] , demonstrated in 1853 [ [ Chronomedia: 1850-1854 ] ] ; it is also described as the combination of the zoetrope with the magic lantern [ [ An Historical Timeline of Computer Graphics and Animation ] ] . It was called the kinetoscope [ [ Cartoons - The golden era, The television era ] ] , a term later used by Thomas Edison (see kinetoscope). He applied it to lecture on ballistics [William Everdell, "The First Moderns" (1997), 13-14.] .

He worked also on a smokeless powder [ [ Gunpowder - LoveToKnow 1911 ] ] , improved cannons and alloys (his steel bronze was a copper-tin alloy [ [] ] ), and a balloon bomb, used in 1849 against Venice [ [ Important Events in Military Aeronautic History ] ] , sent up from a paddle steamer [ [ WNYC - Books: Survival City: Adventures among the Ruins of Atomic America ] ] . Uchatius steel was produced industrially, by mixing granulated iron with iron oxide [ [ The Household Cyclopedia - Metallurgy ] ] .


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