

RecoveryMagic is a data recovery and PC maintenance utility software for Microsoft Windows based computers that is advertised to greatly reduce the cost of technical support for organizations and individuals by providing functionalities that help them solve more than 80% of their PC problems within a matter of minutes. In reality, RecoveryMagic simply provides functionalities to restore the data, settings and information on protected partitions on a computer hard disk back to a baseline previously configured at the time of installation of the RecoveryMagic software, or updated later during subsequent usage of the host computer.

How it Works

RecoveryMagic works based on the Rollback or Restore concept. During installation, RecoveryMagic creates a hidden storage or partition on the hard disk where it saves information about the complete base image or state of the host computer system. RecoveryMagic then makes the protected partitions to be write protected in a similar to how floppy disks are write protected. All changes to the hard drive or partition base image are automatically redirected by RecoveryMagic to a separate non-write protected area on the hard drive and information about the changes recorded in the hidden storage area. Whenever data is read from the hard disk, information is provided by RecoveryMagic from its hidden storage area to make it appear to the operating system and other applications as if all changes made have permanently been implemented on the hard drive. Thus all computer files and data comprising the base image are fully protected while you still have complete access to your system. Because RecoveryMagic is simply redirecting operations to another hard drive location, it works easily without harming system performance.

Should something go wrong with the host computer system, such as a corrupt spooler or driver, the user can restore it back to the base image point. RecoveryMagic simply discards all changes that have been made which it has recorded in the hidden storage area. The result is complete system restoration without any single data loss or corruption. Because RecoveryMagic loads before the host Windows Operating System, it can easily recover the system even when the Operating System is corrupt or unable to boot. However, the software is unable to recover any data if the computer hard disk is damaged.


RecoveryMagic can be accessed by a single key press during system boot or through the system tray in Microsoft Windows. Unlike the integrated System Restore in later versions of Microsoft Windows, RecoveryMagic restores all operating system information, files, data, configurations, components and registry settings damaged by corrupt software, human error or virus attack to the baseline state including user data. RecoveryMagic loads before the host Windows operating system and can be accessed through the HOME key just prior to the loading of the operating system, thus allowing it to perform data rollback or restore in situations where the host operating system has a problem. RecoveryMagic uses negligible disk space based on its mode of operation which does not require direct data backup to any location on the hard disk. Space required is primarily for its operational data and executable files.

Security Software Features

It is touted that software such as RecoveryMagic provide a second layer of security by virtue of being able to restore the host computer system completely back to a baseline which if it is virus free, automatically rids the host computer of viruses and the effects of such viruses to the computer after the baseline state. While such claims are often true when all partitions on the host computer are protected, the capability seem more by coincidence than design.

Compatibility With Disk Utility Products

It is advisable that RecoveryMagic is uninstalled prior to using any Microsoft Windows disk utility such as ScanDisk and defragmentation utility software and then re-installed after the defragmentation or similar exercise.

Compatibility With PC Hardware

RecoveryMagic has been found to have compatibility issues, as usual with similar data restore software, with a few motherboards that prevent alteration on information on the MBR. This causes the software to be unable to complete its installation and thus unable to function.

External links

* [ Official website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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