Jayaben Desai

Jayaben Desai

Jeyaben Desai (b. 19??; Gujurat) was a prominent leader of the strikers in the Grunwick dispute in London in 1976. She resigned after being ordered to work overtime, and instigated a strike among the mainly Asian and female workforce. The strikers protested about working conditions, pay inequality and institutionalised racism within the company. [http://www.movinghere.org.uk/galleries/histories/asian/politics/grunwick.htm Jeyaben Desai part in the Grunwick Dispute]

Desai led the strikers in their epic two-year picket from 1976 to 1978. She had a colourful way with words, for example her parting shot to the boss when she led the walkout: "What you are running here is not a factory, it is a zoo. But in a zoo there are many types of animals. Some are monkeys who dance on your fingertips, others are lions who can bite your head off. We are the lions, Mr. Manager."

Mrs Desai (as she was always referred to) recorded her thoughts for the Brent Museum archives. In an interview by Hannah Phung of Brent Museum she said: "It was amazing, let me tell you, it was amazing. […] tears were in my eyes to see these people […] they were hurting themselves and the police were charging them with horses and everything and still they were standing strong."

Picture: [http://www.connections-exhibition.org/histories/asian/images/e_grunwick_440.jpgMrs Jayaben Desai]


External links

* [http://www.irr.org.uk/faces/desai.html Jeyaben Desai Biography at The Institute of Race Relations]

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