Sesotho deficient verbs

Sesotho deficient verbs

*The orthography used in this and related articles is that of South Africa, not Lesotho. For a discussion of the differences between the two see the notes on Sesotho orthography.
*Hovering the mouse cursor over most H:title| [ɪ'talɪk] |"italic"|dotted=no Sesotho text should reveal an IPA pronunciation key (excluding tones). Note that often when a section discusses formatives, affixes, or vowels it may be necessary to view the IPA to see the proper conjunctive word division and vowel qualities.
In the Sesotho language, the deficient verbs are a special subset of Sesotho verbs that require a subordinate or complementary verb to complete their action, and which are used to form many tenses and to impart certain shades of meaning to the predicate. They form part of "multi-verbal conjugations" comprising a string of verbs (each with its own subjectival concord) and verbal auxiliaries.

Deficient verbs, being "deficient", are never used alone. Many of them are irregular in form and have irregular inflexions. Many of these verbs seem radical in nature, while others (especially those with complex implications) are obviously derived from certain extant normal verbs (but are used with slightly different meanings). What distinguishes the deficient usage of these normal verbs is the fact that they are followed by another verb and affect its meaning (and only the main verb may carry an objectival concord).


Multi-verbal syntax

Deficient verbs are used to alter the meaning of complementary normal verbs, which have to follow the deficient verb(s) in word order. The following diagram represents the general shape of a typical multi-verbal conjugation ("In vain I edit them all"):

(The bullets • are used here to join the parts of single words which would have been written separately in the current disjunctive orthography)

Apart from the verbal complex, researchers of Bantu languages have noted that when the main verb is followed by its (first) direct object then this structure creates a "verb phrase" (or "prosodic phrase"), which may be treated as one phonological unit or domain by some grammatical processes.Actually, to be a bit more accurate, the verb must not be focused, otherwise the focused verb and the following object constitute two prosodic phrases.

A phonological clue which shows this to be true is the fact that when a verb is focused it has overt penult stress, which is usually not present when a word is not phrase final (bold syllables are stressed):: H:title| [ʀɪfʊtʰʊlɑ dihʊlɑ] |"Re fothola dihola"|dotted=no We uproot weeds (verb not focused): H:title| [ʀɪ'ɑdifʊtʰʊlɑ dihʊlɑ] |"Re a di fothola dihola"|dotted=no We do uproot the weeds indeed (verb focused)In the example above, the object and the verb were emphasised by using the objectival concord H:title| [di] |"-di-"|dotted=no in addition to the direct object, but one effect of this is that the verb becomes focused and (if it is in the present indicative tense) needs to be marked with the infix H:title| [ɑ] |"-a-"|dotted=no, thus creating two separate prosodic phrases. The same thing happens when the object appears before the verb in word order, and indeed it is precisely when the verb is marked for the object and focused that the language may assume any word order to emphasise certain parts of the sentence (not just SVO).

In the main example H:title| [kʼɪt͡sʼʷɑt͡sʼʷɑ kʼiˌdiɬopʰisɑ t͡sʼoɬɛ] |"Ke tswatswa ke di hlophisa tsohle"|dotted=no the main verb is not focused since, although it does have an objectival concord, it does not agree with its direct object (Sesotho is a pro-drop language; in the example both the verb and its direct object agree with the unspecified object rendered with the accusative pronoun "them" in the English translation).] For example, many languages with unbounded tonal shift or spread laws (unlike Sesotho's bounded spread — see Sesotho tonology) may often shift or spread a high tone underlying in the verbal complex all the way to the final, penult, or antepenultimate syllable of the following word, but only if that word is the verb's object. One Sesotho tonal law that's mildly sensitive to the verb phrase is the finality restriction (FR), which is not applied if the verb is immediately followed by the object.

The structure created by deficient verbs followed by a normal verb is unique in a few ways:
#Deficient verbs must have a complementary (main) verb, and this main verb must follow the deficient verbs, with no intervening words and no variation in word order. This is one of the very few instances in the Sesotho language when word order is absolutely immutable. If one wishes to emphasise the main verb's object then it needs to be placed before the very first deficient verb in the sequence, not just before the main verb.
#There may be no pauses in speech between the deficient verbs and the main verb, contrary to how other words are treated. The entire sequence is pronounced as one whole unit, and may not be broken up.Some researchers treat the entire unit as one very long word with multiple morphemes and subjectival concords, especially since an inflected deficient verb can never stand alone. This would however violate some of the most basic properties of the Bantu verbal complex, such as the fact that an inflected verb must have one and only one subjectival concord.

It is clear that deficient stems are like normal verb stems in that by assuming certain affixes in a certain order they create complete words, even if those words may not stand independently. Synchronically and diachronically, there are numerous instances of sequences of verbs contracting to form structures where some of the verbs are no longer independent words, but this is, without exception, always accompanied by one or more of the verbs losing their subjectival concords.]


Even though many other Bantu languages have some deficient verbs, the system used in the Sotho-Tswana languages is unusually intricate and specialized, with a rather large number of verbs that may be used deficiently. Although the deficient verbs themselves may usually be used in various moods and tenses, the main verb is limited to only a limited number of moods and tenses, and it is the job of the deficient verb to reflect any changes in these parameters (if it supports them). If multiple deficient verbs are used then each verb affects the mood of the following.

By examining the mood and tense of the main verb, deficient verbs may be classified into six groups according to the type of complement they govern. It is clear that most groups are followed by participial or subjunctive moods, which are precisely the moods often used when forming sequences of verbs or subordinate clauses using non-deficient verbs.

H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no forms the bi-verbal past tense. Basically, using a verb with this deficient verb is an alternative to using the perfect form of a verb, but the use of the deficient verb definitely has a more "completed" (definite past) — though not perfect — feel to it. With stative verbs the perfect form actually gives a present-perfect stative tense, and this differs from the use of this deficient verb as it gives a completed past tense meaning.: H:title| [ʀɪfumɑnɪ bʊʀɑlɛ] |"Re fumane borale"|dotted=no / H:title| [ʀiˌ'ile ʀɑfumɑnɑ bʊʀɑlɛ] |"Re ile ra fumana borale"|dotted=no We found iron ore: H:title| [kʼiˌdut͡sʼɪ] |"Ke dutse"|dotted=no I am seated (present-perfect stative), H:title| [kʼiˌ'ile kʼɑdulɑ] |"Ke ile ka dula"|dotted=no I did sit, sometime in the pastThis may be compounded with most Group I verbs (except the simple subjunctive H:title| [be] |"-be"|dotted=no) to form perfect, past exclusive, past potential, and past future ("will have done") tenses. The Group I verb appears first, with H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no following pronounced with participial sub-mood tones.: H:title| [ʊkʼɑbe uˌ'ile wɑm̩mɔnɑ mɑ'ʊbɑnɪ] |"O ka be o ile wa mmona maobane"|dotted=no You could have seen her yesterday (potential past)

H:title| [kʼɑ] |"-ka"|dotted=no is used in two tenses — remote past indicative (H:title| [kʼile] |"-kile"|dotted=no), and present potential (H:title| [kʼɑkʼɑ] |"-ka ka"|dotted=no) — and is connected with the simple verbal auxiliary infix H:title| [kʼɑ] |"-ka-"|dotted=no used to form the potential mood. The remote past form is highly irregular and is basically an alternative to the H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no deficient verb (indeed, the negative of the H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no forms is constructed with this verb); the present potential emphasises the use of the simple infix H:title| [kʼɑ] |"-ka-"|dotted=no. As with the simple infix, the first person singular subjectival concord H:title| [kʼɪ] |"ke-"|dotted=no becomes a syllabic IPA|/ŋ̩/ (written H:title|/ŋ̩/|"n"|dotted=no and attached to the following H:title|/kʼ/|"k"|dotted=no) by dissimilation.: H:title| [ŋ̩kʼile kʼɑ'ʊbɔnɑ lɪt͡sʰeŋ̩] |"Nkile ka o bona letsheng"|dotted=no I once saw you by the lake: H:title| [hɑkʼɪ'ɑkʼɑ kʼɑ'ʊbɔnɑ lɪt͡sʰeŋ̩] |"Ha ke a ka ka o bona letsheng"|dotted=no I did not see/have never seen you by the lake (emphatic): H:title| [bʊlʷet͡sʼɪ bʊkʼɑkʼɑ bɑnɑmɑ] |"Bolwetse bo ka ka ba nama"|dotted=no The disease may indeed spreadAn alternative to H:title| [kʼile] |"-kile"|dotted=no is to compound H:title| [kʼɑ] |"-ka"|dotted=no with H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no. This construction is very frequently contracted.: H:title| [uˌ'ile wɑkʼɑ wɑsɪfuˌfisɑ sɪfʊfɑnɪ] |"O ile wa ka wa se fofisa sefofane?"|dotted=no Have you ever flown an aircraft? (contracted H:title| [ʊlɑkʼɑsɪfuˌfisɑ] |"O la ka se fofisa"|dotted=no)

H:title| [t͡ɬʼɑ] |"-tla"|dotted=no is only found in the positive present potential (it has no negative) with a meaning of "lest" or "or else", used in a type of consecutive construction. The verb is obviously connected with the normal verb meaning "come", but used deficiently with a modified meaning.: H:title| [tʼimɑ mʊt͡ɬʼɑkʼɑsɪ ʊkʼɑt͡ɬʼɑ wɑ'ʊbʊlɑjɑ] |"Tima motlakase o ka tla wa o bolaya"|dotted=no Switch off the electricity or else it may kill you

  • Group III contains a small number of verbs, all with irregular forms ending in the vowel IPA|/e/. Four of the verbs signify habitual actions, with very minor semantic differences between them, another is occasional in the positive but habitual in the negative (it also forms the negative of H:title| [je] |"-ye"|dotted=no which has no negative of its own), and yet another simply the serves the same function as Group II H:title| [ile] |"-ile"|dotted=no. Note that, apart from a rare consecutive past habitual construction, the only time the perfect subjunctive mood may be used is after these deficient verbs.This naturally causes a lot of disagreement as to the true nature of this verbal form, and many researchers put it under its own "Habitual mood" or treat is as a "habitual indicative tense."

    Here's an example of its use without Group III deficient verbs:: H:title| [ʊne ɑ'ɑtʼisɑ hʊt͡ɬʼɑ ɑʀɪbʊlel̩lɪ ditʼɑbɑ] |"O ne a atisa ho tla, a re bolelle ditaba"|dotted=no He frequently came and told us the newsThis uses the Group I H:title| [ne] |"-ne"|dotted=no to form the continuous past tense of the Group IV H:title| [ɑtʼisɑ] |"-atisa"|dotted=no (do often), followed by a short pause and a perfect subjunctive.

    A more common way to say this would be to use a normal present-future subjunctive (note that it is written exactly the same as the above example, but differs in the pronunciation of one vowel and the tonal pattern of the second verb, and lacks a pause):: H:title| [ʊne ɑ'ɑtʼisɑ hʊt͡ɬʼɑ ɑʀɪbʊlel̩lɛ ditʼɑbɑ] |"O ne a atisa ho tla a re bolelle ditaba"|dotted=no] To form past, future, and potential tenses the Group I H:title| [ne] |"-ne"|dotted=no, H:title| [t͡ɬʼɑbe] |"-tla be"|dotted=no, and H:title| [kʼɑbe] |"-ka be"|dotted=no are used by most of these verbs to form tri-verbal forms.

    Examples:: H:title| [bɑɬile bɑ'ɑpʼʊtʼɑ kʼɑʒenʊ] |"Ba hlile ba a pota kajeno"|dotted=no They certainly speak nonsense today (indicative after perfect): H:title| [kʼɪt͡ɬʼɑm̩pʼe kʼɪʀɛkʼɛ n̩t͡ɬʼʊ] |"Ke tla mpe ke reke ntlo"|dotted=no I will at least buy a house (present-future subjunctive after future indicative): H:title| [bɑkʼɑn̩nɑ bɑ'itʰutʼɑ bʊɬɑlɪn̩t͡sʰɪ] |"Ba ka nna ba ithuta bohlale-ntshe"|dotted=no They can keep on teaching/still teach themselves geography (past subjunctive after potential): H:title| [muˌsuwe uˌfiɬɑ ɑbɑfɑ dikʼɑʀɑbɔ] |"Mosuwe o fihla a ba fa dikarabo"|dotted=no The lecturer immediately gives them the answers (present participial after present indicative): H:title| [ʀɪt͡ɬʼɑkʼe ʀɪtʰɑbɛlɛ hʊbɑɬʊlɑ] |"Re tla ke re thabele ho ba hlola"|dotted=no We will definitely be happy to defeat them (present-future subjunctive after future indicative)

  • Group V contains several normal looking verbs with regular inflexions, most of which have non-deficient uses. Several tense forms exist for the deficient verbs, while the complement is usually present participial though some of the verbs may also have a perfect participial complement.

    Example:: H:title| [sɪt͡sʼʊkʼʊt͡sʼɑnɪ sɑbɑt͡ɬʼɑ sɪʀɪbʊlɑjɑ] |"Setsokotsane sa batla se re bolaya"|dotted=no The tornado nearly killed us: H:title| [uˌdulɑ ɑʀɪt͡sʰʷeɲɑ kʼɑmɑtʰɑtʼɑɲɑnɑ ɑhɑ'ɛ] |"O dula a re tshwenya ka mathatanyana a hae"|dotted=no He constantly bothers us with his insignificant problems: H:title| [bɑlet͡sʼɪ bɑtʼon̩ne] |"Ba letse ba tonne"|dotted=no They were wide awake the whole night: H:title| [ʀɪtʼɪnɑ ʀɪm̩mit͡sʼɑ ɪlɪ hʊʀɪ ɑt͡ɬʼo'ɪluˌkʼisɑ] |"Re tena re mmitsa e le hore a tlo e lokisa"|dotted=no We had to call her so she would fix it (this deficient verb is always followed by a reason for the action): H:title| [ʊt͡sʼʊhɑ ɑnʷɪset͡sʼɑ diʒɑlɔ] |"O tsoha a nwesetsa dijalo"|dotted=no He waters the plants first thing in the morning

  • Group VI contains a number of verbs used with an infinitive complement and which give certain shades of meaning. The infinitive complement is basically a direct noun object (infinitives and imperatives are not verbal moods), and indeed many other verbs may be used this way but are not considered deficient as their meanings do not change slightly when they are.

    Examples:: H:title| [lɪsʊtʰʊ hʊ'ɑtʼisɑ hʊxɪtʰɑ mɑʀihɑ] |"Lesotho ho atisa ho kgetha Mariha"|dotted=no It frequently snows in Lesotho in the Winter: H:title| [ʊʀɑtʼɑ hʊʃʷɑ] |"O rata ho shwa"|dotted=no He is on the verge of dyingIf H:title| [ʀɑtʼɑ] |"-rata"|dotted=no was being used with its normal meaning then this would literally mean "He loves dying", but it isn't, and it doesn't.] : H:title| [ʊt͡sʰʷɑnet͡sʼɪ hʊm̩pʼʊlɛl̩lɑ hʊʀɪ kʼɪlɪfɪŋ̩ liˌǃʰubu] |"O tshwanetse ho mpolella hore ke lefeng leqhubu"|dotted=no You have to tell me what the frequency is

  • Notes


    *Buell, L. C. 2005. "Issues in Zulu morphosyntax". Ph.D. Thesis. University of California.
    *Cassimjee, F. & Kisseberth, C. W. 1998. "Optimality Domains Theory and Bantu tonology: a case study from isiXhosa and Shingazidja". In Hyman L. M. & Kisseberth, C. W. (eds.), Theoretical Aspects of Bantu Tone, pp. 33-132. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI.
    *Doke, C. M., and Mofokeng, S. M. 1974. "Textbook of Southern Sotho Grammar". Cape Town: Longman Southern Africa, 3rd. impression. ISBN 0 582 61700 6.

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