Tobiko — de diverses couleurs. Tobiko (とびこ, Tobiko … Wikipédia en Français
Tobiko — de diversos colores. Tobiko (とびこ, Tobiko … Wikipedia Español
tobiko — the red and crunchy eggs of flying fish used as a food in Japan … Dictionary of ichthyology
tobiko — noun A kind of makisushi made with roe … Wiktionary
List of sushi and sashimi ingredients — Sushi plate (盛り合わせ) with sashimi to the left There are many sushi and sashimi ingredients, some traditional and some contemporary. Contents 1 Sushi styles … Wikipedia
Sushi — This article is about Japanese cuisine. For other uses, see Sushi (disambiguation). Different types of nigiri zushi ready to be eaten … Wikipedia
Roe — or hard roe is the fully ripe internal ovaries or egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins. As a seafood roe is used both as a cooked ingredient in many dishes and as a raw ingredient.Caviar is a name … Wikipedia
Cuisine japonaise — La cuisine japonaise peut être définie comme la cuisine traditionnelle du Japon, appelée en japonais nihon ryōri (日本料理, nihon ryōri?). Elle est constituée de viandes ou de poissons, de riz ou de nouilles, de légumes et d algues, généralement… … Wikipédia en Français
California roll — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda California roll servido en Shanghai, China. Preparado con tobiko El California roll (カリフォルニアロール; Kariforuniarooru) es un maki sushi, una clase de sushi, en ocasiones realizado de adentro hacia afuera uramaki … Wikipedia Español
Osechi — An example of Osechi ryōri Legend: 1: Simmered shrimp, 2: Tazukuri, 3: Nishime Cooked vegetables, 4: Kamaboko, 5: Datemaki, 6: appetizer, 7: Konbumaki, 8:Kurikinton, 9: Tobiko, 10: Grilled sea bream, 11: Kazunoko, 12: P … Wikipedia