

The SP-62 is a highway in the southeeastern part of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The highway is begins in the District of Eugenio de Mello and shares the route with SP-123 for a few kilometres and ends in Cachoeira Paulista.

Highway sections

*Edmir Viana Moura, Mayor: Distrito Eugenio de Mello - Caçapava
*Vito Ardito De - até: Caçapava - SP-123
*Emilio Amadei Beringhs: SP-123 - Taubaté
*Amador Bueno da Veiga: Taubaté - Pindamonhangaba
*Abel Fabricio Dias, Vereador: Pindamonhangaba - Roseira
*Marieta Vilela da Costa Braga: Roseira - Aparecida
*Padroeira do Brasil: Aparecida - Guaratinguetá
*Aristeu Vieira Vilela, Mayor: Guaratinguetá - Lorena
*Oswaldo Ortiz Monteiro, Deputy: Lorena - Cachoeira Paulista

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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