

The lebes, in Ancient Greece, was originally a deep bowl with a rounded bottom: it needed a stand to remain upright. In classical times a foot was attached, and it was typically used as a mixing bowl in food preparation. One translation of the word is "cauldron".

The "lebes gamikos" was specifically a wedding bowl with looping handles; it is thought that it stood by the bride's door and may have been used in a purification ceremony. A metal (eg bronze)lebes could be a prize in athletic contests.

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  • Lebes — gámikos. Tipología de vasos griegos. El Lebe …   Wikipedia Español

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  • lebes — /lee beez/, n., pl. lebes. Gk. and Rom. Antiq. a wine bowl having an oval body without handles and a rounded base. [1850 55; < L < Gk lébes kettle, cauldron] …   Useful english dictionary

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