- Potassium trioxochlorochromate
Potassium trioxochlorochromate, Potassium chlorochromate [http://www.csudh.edu/oliver/chemdata/chemsyn.htm Synonyms Of Chemicals ] ] [http://books.google.com/books?id=QQZKAAAAMAAJ&q=%22P%C3%A9ligot%27s+salt%22&dq=%22P%C3%A9ligot%27s+salt%22&pgis=1] ] [http://books.google.com/books?id=394yAAAAMAAJ&q=%22P%C3%A9ligot%27s+salt%22&dq=%22P%C3%A9ligot%27s+salt%22&pgis=1] ] , Peligot's salt, or Péligot's salt is a
chemical substance named afterEugène-Melchior Péligot [http://www.sas.org/E-Bulletin/2002-08-23/chem/body.html Untitled Document ] ] . Its formula is KCrO3Cl [http://srb.npaci.edu/cgi-bin/nsdl.cgi?uid=/2004-07-19T23:32:41Z/2423943D27E2C38E2428B388E8938B20/archemm.html Glossary ] ]Peligot's salt is the
potassium salt ofchlorochromic acid (chromic acid wherechlorine has replaced one of the OH groups). Peligot's salt can be considered intermediate between chromic acid andchromyl chloride .It is stable in
air but inwater , where it is soluble, it can become hydrolysed. When under high temperature, Peligot's salt parts with its chlorine and produceschromic oxide .Potassium chlorochromate can be prepared from
potassium dichromate ,hydrochloric acid , andwater . The substance may look like long orange-redcrystal s.Peligot's salt can oxidise the substance
benzyl alcohol , a reaction which can be catalysed byacid [http://www.springerlink.com/content/l7j435v4ln868620/ SpringerLink - Journal Article ] ] .The structure of Peligot's salt has been redeterminated in
2002 .(18-Crown-6)potassium chlorochromate
(18-Crown-6)potassium chlorochromate (1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane-k6O)potassium chlorochromate) or CrClO3 is a crystal structure that contains a
K +cation [http://journals.iucr.org/e/issues/2005/02/00/cv6410/cv6410bdy.html] ] .afety
Potassium chlorochromate can be toxic upon
indigestion (may causeacute poisoning andkidney damage amongst other complications) or contact with thehuman skin (may causeeye burn s,irritation ,allergy , orulceration ), especially if inhalated. [http://books.google.com/books?id=o-VjWgh5mPUC&pg=PA122&dq=%22Potassium+chlorochromate%22&sig=ACfU3U1IuakBM5F4wJeuvVu7xANyFqJ2aw] ] Heating the substance, or mixing it withacid s, releaseschlorine gas , which is also toxic.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.