Jagannath Barooah College

Jagannath Barooah College

Jagannath Barooah College, briefly J. B. College is a premier institute of higher education located in Jorhat, a city cultural heritage and glorious historical background in the upper part of the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. Since its inception in 1930, the college has already marched a long way and has celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in the year 2005. The institute has already been accredited by NAAC in 2003 and awarded B+ grade on the basis of its performance in the field of higher education.

A Peep into the Past

Behind the establishment of this premier seat of higher education lies the selfless and enthusiastic commitment of a tiny but highly learned group of scholars of this culturally rich city who, in fact, shaped the destiny of the academic milieu of the North East region in general and the entire Brahmaputra Valley in particular. The valuable contributions made by this dedicated group had subsequently led to the formal initiation of an initiation of an institution known as Upper Assam College in Jorhat in 19th August 1930. Less than a month later, i.e., on 4th September 1930, the first Governing Body (GB) Meeting of the Upper Assam College resolved to name the college as Jorhat College and this continued till 1938 when, in a resolution of another GB Meeting, it was again decided to rename the college as Jagannath Barooah College in the memory of Jagannath Barooah, the first Graduate of Upper Assam. Late Murulidhar Barooah, the grandson of Jagannath Barooah donated the entire land and the Barpatra Kutir (existing office and teachers’ common room) to the college. The founder Principal of this oldest institution of the region was Prof. Krishna Kanta Handique, world renowned orientalist, distinguished scholar and academician. The other dedicated founder teachers were Prof. Tulshi Narayan Sarma (Founder Secretary), Jagneswar Sarma, Phanidhar Dutta, Prafulla Pran Changkakati and Gunagobinda Dutta. With a small batch of 14 students in 1930, the college was started first with Intermediate of Arts (IA), which received formal affiliation from Calcutta University in 1931. Thereafter the events of the college moved rapidly. In 1939 the Intermediate of Commerce (I.Com), in 1941 the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), in 1944 the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), in 1949 – 1950 the Intermediate of Science (I.Sc) and in 1952 – 1953 the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) streams were opened. From 1931 to 1948, the college was affiliated to the Calcutta University and from 1948 to 1965 to the Gauhati University. Since the establishment of Dibrugarh University in 1965, the college has been affiliated to it. The college now has a diversified field of teaching.


Currently the college has 19 departments –
* Assamese
* Hindi
* Bengali
* Botany
* Chemistry
* Commerce
* Computer Science
* Economics,
* English and Functional English
* Geography
* Geology
* History
* Mathematics
* Philosophy
* Physics and Electronics
* Political Science
* Sanskrit
* Statistics
* Zoology

Except Bengali, Hindi and Computer Science, all other subjects have Major Course at the Degree level. The Post Graduate (PG) Course in Geography and Philosophy were opened in 1995 and 1996 respectively. The new century began with the opening of the PG courses in other branches viz. Assamese, Economics, History, Mathematics, Political Science and Sociology under the Distance Education Scheme of Dibrugarh University. The other professional and self-financing courses are of recent origin.

pecial features

The college has been marked by a number of specialized features concomitant to the present day need of the society. These are –

* Enhancement and preservation of quality in teaching and learning.
* Provision for teaching and learning from Higher Secondary to the Post Graduate levels for certain subjects.
* Modern classrooms with audio-visual system for certain specific courses.
* Regular monitoring of students’ progression through Unit Test, Seminars, Group Discussions, Home Assignment etc.
* Development and improvement of education at all levels through trained teachers.
* Facilitating mechanism for students’ support like career counseling, financial aid, special awards, departmental societies/forums etc.
* Outdoor and indoor sports facilities with strong infrastructural base.
* Time to time literary programs like quiz, debating (both intra and inter college) and other cultural activities.
* Awareness programs for Women Empowerment, Environmental Protection, Social Development etc.
* Various extension activities through NCC (National Cadet Corps), NSS (National Service Scheme), Human Rights Cell. Women Cell, Green Plus Society and also excursions/field trips.
* Special talks on specific subjects by persons of high repute.
* Yoga Course at regular intervals both for students, teachers and community at large.
* Campus Interviews of reputed Companies are held from time to time.

Admission Procedure

Admission Forms shall be issued by the college, which will have to be duly filled-up and submitted within a specified date declared by the college authority in leading News Papers of Assam and in the college notice board. A screening committee constituted by the college authority shall scrutinize the forms and the merit list of candidates shall be notified through the college notice board one day before the date of admission. Selected candidates shall have to enroll themselves in their respective streams and classes on specified dates notified by the college authority.

Admission is on the basis of merit, however, there is reservation of seats for following categories of students as per Govt. Rules –
* Scheduled Castes (SC)
* Scheduled Tribes Plains (STP)
* Scheduled Tribes Hills (STH)
* Other Backward Class (OBC)
* More Other Backward Class (MOBC)
* Physically Handicapped (PH)

Besides the above categories, the college reserves a few seats for following categories of students—
* Sports
* Music
* National Cadet Corps (NCC)
* Tea Garden Labor (TGL)
* Son/daughter of in-service college employee

Academic information

General Courses

*Two-year Higher Secondary Courses (HSC) in Arts, Science and Commerce.
*Three-year Degree Course (TDC) in Arts, Science and Commerce in I+I+I+I pattern.
*Two-year Post Graduate (PG) Courses in Geography and Philosophy.
*Two-year Post-Graduate (PG) Courses in Assamese, Economics, History, Mathematics, Political Science and Sociology under Distance Education Scheme of Dibrugarh University.

kill-based Professional Courses

*One year Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)
*Three-year Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
*Two months Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) training sponsored by DOEACC
*Short term Courses on Computer Basics at regular intervals.

UGC sponsored Career Oriented Courses

*Pharmaceutical Chemistry (One year duration)
*Composite Pisciculture & Ornamental Fishing (One year duration)
*Computer Hardware and maintenance (One year duration)

pecial CPT Courses

Students who have appeared the 10th class final examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India may register for CPT (Common Proficiency Test) for Chartered Accountancy Course. Students of all streams are eligible for this course organized by the Commerce Department, J.B. College.

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Hostel Facilities

The college has limited hostel facilities both for boys and girls. Students seeking hostel accommodation must submit an application form to the hostel superintendent for admission in to the hostel. The superintendent in consultation with the college authority will finalize the list of candidates on the basis of merit. No seat in the hostel can be reserved prior to admission in to the college. Hostels remain closed for summer vacation. The J. B. College Hostel Rules shall govern those admitted in to the hostels.

Canteen Facilities

The college has a canteen for providing refreshment to students at a subsidized rate within the college premise.

ports Facilities

Games and sports facilities are available in the college. Good indoor stadium with all kinds of modern facilities is the special attraction.

Library Facilities

The college has a very big library with a variety of collections. Currently, it houses around 41,731 textbooks, 10,486 reference books, 72 national/international journals/periodicals in Assamese, Hindi and English languages and subscribes 13 national and local dailies. Moreover. It has a huge collection of Encyclopedias covering all subjects. For the benefit of library users, a Xerox machine is also installed inside the library premise. In order to equip the library with all kinds of modern facilities, a multi-storied library building has been under construction.

Laboratory Facilities

There are well-equipped modern laboratories for all science subjects for conducting practical classes. Besides these, the Department of Functional English has a sophisticated language laboratory.

Computer Facilities

Computer facilities including Internet are available at a nominal rate and ca be availed both by the teachers and students.

tudents Support

Career Counseling Cell

Career Counseling Centre, under the supervision of the Principal with a support from a strong teachers’ network, is a good consultancy wing of the college. It is designed chiefly for monitoring the students’ academic interest and to disseminate information from time to time to help the student community to choose a career suitable to their needs, interests and aptitude. For choosing a right career, the cell is ready to help you.


There are provisions of State Government scholarships for Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC). Moreover, meritorious students may also avail themselves of scholarships awarded by the State Government.

tudents’ Aid Fund

Financial assistance in the form of tuition fee is granted to deserving financially underprivileged students of the college.

tudents’ Awards

There is a good number of Trust Deed Fund from which the deserving students are awarded annually based on their performance in various fields of learning. These are:

* T.N. Sarma Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in Sanskrit Major in B.A. Examination.

* Jayanta Madhab Borthakur Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in Chemistry major in B.Sc. Examination.

* Ghanakanta Borah Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in mathematics Major in Degree Examination.

* Sattanath Borborah and Labanya Prova Memorial Trust Deed

#J.N. Borborah Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in Chemistry Major in B.Sc. Examination.
#B.N. Borborah Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in B.Com. Major Examination.
#Dr R.N. Borborah Memorial Cash Prize for securing highest marks in H.S. Science Examination.

*Bimala Kanta Borpujari Memorial Cash Prize for highest marks in Economics Major in B.A. Examination.

* Amulya Barooah Memorial Cash Prize for securing 1st position in Physics Major.

* Phanidhar Dutta Memorial Trust fund Scholarship to poor and deserving students.

* Late M.L. Phukan Trust Award for the highest marks in B.Sc. Major Examination from J.B. College.

Besides these Trust Deed Funds, there are also provisions for Brilliant Students’ Awards for the following categories of students:

* Best Graduate Award for securing highest percentage of marks in Degree Final (Part-III) Examination from this college.

*Award for securing highest percentage of marks in Higher Secondary Final Examination from this college.

Co-Curricular Amenities

NCC Benefit

The college has an NCC (National Cadet Corps) wing providing students a great number of opportunities. Cadets obtained ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificates may offer candidature for the posts of executives in different national and multi-national companies like Reliance, Sahara, Jet Airways etc. The Sahara Group of Companies also offer scholarships for meritorious NCC cadets who secure 65% marks in 10th standard and 65% marks in 12th standard for Science, 60% for Commerce and 55% for Arts students.

tudents’ Union

There is students union both for day and night sections. These elected bodies organize and promote cultural and sports activities in the college. Secretaries elected by the students manage union functions under the guidance of teacher-in-charge appointed by the Principal.

Memorial Lectures and Debate

In order to enhance the literary activities, the college organizes a number of special lectures and debate in some specific dates as shown below –
*The college hosts biannual lectures in the memory of founder teacher Tulsi Narayan Sarma. Eminent personalities from the field of education are invited to deliver lectures on relevant issues.
*Inter College Debate in memory of Late Principal K.C. Kakati, Late Prof. Abani Pd. Bhattacharya and former student Late Nilesh Sutodia.

College Magazine

JBIAN, a students’ magazine has been published regularly by the college. Students get opportunities to express their literary talents.


In order to develop the physical, intellectual, emotional and aesthetic qualities of students to their fullest potential, the college, besides stated above, arranges a number of co-curricular activities including quiz, seminars, music, dramatics, excursion, study trips, adventure sports, SPICMACAY etc.

Organization and Management


The Governing Body is the apex body (GB) consisting of 12 members duly formed by D.H.E., Assam. The Principal, appointed by the GB is the Head of the institution and secretary of the GB.

Committees and Cells

For smooth functioning of the administrative as well as academic activities of the college, there are also a few numbers of committees and cells comprising the members of teaching staff, which help and cooperate at their fullest capacities.

General Rules of Discipline

* The courses of the study in J.B. College are full time courses. No students can take any other full time course concurrently. If any student is admitted to any other course, then the student / guardian should inform the College Authority immediately and discontinue the other course if he/she wants to continue the course at J.B. College. Violation of this provision will lead to disciplinary action.

* A student who fails to attend at least 75% of the classes taught in a calendar year will be declared Non-Collegiate and allowed to sit for the examinations only on payment of a fine. Any student who fails to attend at least 60% of the classes taught will be declared Discollegiate and debarred from appearing in the examinations.

* Students are responsible for their conduct to the Principal and are prohibited from doing anything either inside or outside the College, that amount to breach of discipline or interference in the discipline and normal working of the College. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action for violation of any of the rules of discipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/ or fine, and/ or suspension from classes, from the examination, from use of the College Library or even from the college as such.

* Students shall conduct themselves in a decorous manner both towards the members of the staff (Teaching and Administrative) and towards their fellow students. Insubordination, unbecoming language or indecorous conduct, including teasing etc. shall be severely dealt with.

* Students shall maintain perfect silence in the classrooms and desist from demonstration or disorderly behavior. They must not loiter in the corridors or in front of the classrooms and must keep as quiet as possible at all times.

* Students shall take proper care of the College property furniture and premises and they must not spoil or cause any damage to or tamper with the College property, furniture and fittings. They shall not litter the College Campus.

* Student shall leave their bicycles, scooters or motorcycles locked in the shed provided for this purpose. No bicycles, scooter or motorcycles shall be parked in any other part of the college campus.

* No society can be formed in the College without the permission of the Principal nor shall any person be invited to address a meeting in the college without the prior permission of the College authority.

* Students shall not bring into college campus any article deemed by the college authority to have a dangerous and / or disruptive influence on the academic environment. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited within the college campus and examination hall. A fine of Rs. 500/- will be imposed on the student found violating this rule.


All students are required to attend college in UNIFORM as given below:

;BOYS: White Shirts and Black Pant. Winter wear – Navy Blue Sweater/Blazer.

;GIRLS: White Mekhela-Chadar with Navy Blue Border and Navy Blue Blouse or White Salwar & Navy Blue Kurta with White Dupatta. Winter wear – Navy Blue Sweater/Blazer.

External links

* [http://www.jbcollege.org Official Website of Jagannath Barooah College]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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