Rin Toshite Shigure Number 4
- Rin Toshite Shigure Number 4
Infobox Album |
Name = #4
Type = Album
Artist = Rin Toshite Shigure

Released = 2005
Recorded =
Genre = Kick Ass
Length = 45:42
Label = Nakano
Producer =
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Number 4 is the debut studio album of Rin Toshite Shigure.
#Azayaka na Satsujin (鮮やかな殺人) - 4:45
#Telecaster no Shinjitsu (テレキャスターの真実) - 3:26
#Sadistic Summer - 4:26
#Turbocharger On (ターボチャージャーON) - 5:17
#Acoustic - 3:58
#O.F.T - 4:51
#Crazy Kanjou Style (CRAZY感情STYLE) - 5:00
#Tornado G (トルネードG) - 3:13
#Boukan (傍観) - 6:20
#TK in the Yuukei (TK in the 夕景) - 4:22
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Rin Toshite Shigure Number 3 — is an album by Rin Toshite Shigure.Tracklist# Telecaster no Shinjitsu (テレキャスターの真実) 3:38 # Akai Yuuwaku (赤い誘惑) 4:49 # Sergio Echigo (セルジオ越後) 6:51 # Boukan (傍観) 5:38 … Wikipedia
Rin Toshite Shigure Number 1 — ;Artist:Rin Toshite Shigure;Catalogue Number:;Label:;Release Date:;Tracklist#Azayaka na Satsujin (鮮やかな殺人) 4:52 #Ling 9:04 #TK in the Yuukei (TK in the 夕景) 4:34 … Wikipedia
Rin Toshite Shigure Number 2 — ;Artist:Rin Toshite Shigure;Catalogue Number:UDON 0006;Label:UDON;Release Date:2003.09.14;Tracklist#Sasurai no R B (サスライのR B) 4:55 #Samurai Kizou Kimi Warau (侍・斬像・君ワラウ) 4:34 #Undercover Suicide 4:51 #Ling 9:04 … Wikipedia
Toshite — ;Artist:Rin Toshite Shigure;Catalogue Number:;Label:;Release Date:;Tracklist# Azayaka na Satsujin (鮮やかな殺人) 4:52 # TK in the Yuukei (TK in the 夕景) 4:34 # Sergio Echigo (LIVE in Takasaki Fleez) (セルジオ越後(LIVE in 高崎フリーズ)) 8:29 … Wikipedia