

Panchhat, commonly known as Panshta, is a village in Kapurthala, Punjab.Nearest city is PHAGWARA about 20 Km far away.To reach this destination go about 10 km on Hoshiarpur Phagwara road and then about 9km link road to panshta. Its population in the 1991 census was 2276 and it is 296 hectares in size. There is a post office, a police station and two hospitals in the village.

Nearby villages include Narur and Jalwehra.


The founder of the village had four brothers larger than him. So he was PANJ (meaning five)- CHAT (from Chotta: meaning little). So the village became Panchhat, meaning smallest of the five.


Schools in the village;

* Govt. PrimarY School
* Public high school
* Nav bharat Girls High School
* Govt. High School
* Guru Nanak Nav Bharat College.
* Bistdoab public School


This village's population is 80% Sikh and 20% Hindu.

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