

Samphire is a name given to a number of very different, edible plants, that happen to grow in coastal areas.
*Rock samphire, "Crithmum maritimum" is a coastal species with white flowers that grows in the United Kingdom. This is probably the species mentioned by Shakespeare in King Lear - "Half-way down, Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade!"
*Golden samphire, "Inula crithmoides" is a coastal species with yellow flowers that grows across Eurasia.
*Marsh samphire is another name given to the edible glassworts, genus "Salicornia".
*Samphire is commonly used to describe plants from the Australian genus of succulent coastal plants "Tecticornia‎", and from the cosmopolitan genus "Sarcocornia".

Samphire is also the name of a short story by Patrick O'Brian
Samphire Batts was the original name of Port Clarence.


Originally "sampiere", a corruption of the French "Saint Pierre" (Saint Peter), Samphire was named for the patron saint of fishermen because all the original plants with its name grow in rocky salt-sprayed regions along the sea coast of northern Europe or in its coastal marsh areas.

All the plants bearing the name are annuals that begin growing in late autumn and vegetate throughout the winter until the first warm weather arrives. Then the first stems and internodes form and by mid-spring the plant measures 6 to 8 cm.


Marsh samphire ashes were used to make soap and glass (hence its other old English name, "glasswort.") In the 14th century glassmakers located their workshops near regions where this plant grew, since it was so closely linked to their trade.

Samphires of all kinds have long been eaten in England. The leaves were gathered early in the year and pickled or eaten in salads with oil and vinegar. It is even mentioned by Shakespeare in King Lear:

:"Half-way down Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade!"

This refers to the dangers involved in collecting Rock samphire on sea cliffs.

External links

* [ Buying and cooking samphire] BBC Good Food

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  • Samphire — Sam phire (? or ?; 277), n. [F. l herbe de Saint Pierre. See {Saint}, and {Petrel}.] (Bot.) (a) A fleshy, suffrutescent, umbelliferous European plant ({Crithmum maritimum}). It grows among rocks and on cliffs along the seacoast, and is used for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • samphire — [sam′fīr΄] n. [earlier sampire, sainpere, altered < Fr ( herbe de) Saint Pierre, St. Peter s (herb)] 1. a fleshy, Old World seashore plant (Crithmum maritimum) of the umbel family, with cut leaves and small clusters of yellowish flowers 2.… …   English World dictionary

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  • samphire — noun /sæm.ˈfaɪ.ə(ɹ),sæm.ˈfə(ɹ)/ a) One of several edible plants growing near the sea, including the rock samphire mentioned by Edgar in Shakespeares King Lear. b) Glasswort, the plant once burned to produce the ash used to make soda glass …   Wiktionary

  • samphire — [ samfʌɪə] noun a fleshy leaved plant which grows near the sea. [Crithmum maritimum (rock samphire) and other species.] Origin C16 (earlier as sampiere): from Fr. (herbe de) Saint Pierre St Peter( s herb) …   English new terms dictionary

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  • Samphire Hoe — is a part of Kent, United Kingdom, consisting of reclaimed land made from 4.9 million cubic metres of chalk marl dug to create the Channel Tunnel deposited on the seaward side of the famous White cliffs of Dover. It is accessible by the public… …   Wikipedia

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